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ONE PIECE theory and speculation account. Let's have fun with this. WARNING: Posts will contain spoilers. . . . . . . . (The One Piece is going to be a...!)

Feb 10, 2023, 29 tweets

One Piece Theory:

The Destruction of the Red Line.

How it might happen, and how it’ll be connected to the treasure of the One Piece.

Let’s go!

#onepiece #onepiecetheory

Before I start, I just want to leave a disclaimer that, as with my other theories, this will have some stretching and reaching. It’s what I do.

Still, I think it’s an idea worth sharing.

After all, how the do you destroy a continent?


The theory that One Piece will end with the destruction of the Red Line has been around for a while.

My first exposure to it is this video from Morj, and apparently, the original Post might have been from the Arlong Park forum. Check it here:

To summarize, the Red Line will be destroyed, thus, uniting the world, bringing down Mary Geoise, and as Shyarly prophesied, destroying Fish-Man Island.

With the Red Line gone, the sea will finally be in one piece. Sounds good.

According to this theory, this new sea is the One Piece, represents the All Blue, and might be what Luffy’s dream is - uniting the seas so he can be free.

I don’t think this’ll be the case; I have a theory on what those three might be and I’ll link those threads at the end.

However, I do agree that by the end of the story, the Red Line will be destroyed.

In the Morj video, he suggests Pluton might be the one that helps the destruction.

Let me give an alternative suggestion. Let’s start by asking ourselves: “What is the Red Line”.

We know that the Red Line is a continent that wraps around the entire globe. The top of the Red Line is high enough above sea level to be considered impassable.

It’s huge and high.

In chapter 604, Nami also says that the Red Line can be thought of as a collection of interlocking islands.

Buttt…if you think about it, there’s a problem with her statement.

Islands shouldn’t go that high. What might be going on here?

I believe that the Red Line is an unnatural construct built during the Void Century

Some theories out there suggest that they were built by the original Oars and his race of Ancient Giants, whose descendants have been given the epithet ‘continent puller’.

I think so too.

However, the pieces of the Red Line aren’t simply islands.

They are STACKS of islands.

(Pardon the poor illustration, but I hope you get it.)

How do you turn an island into a mountain? You stack them up - like a pile of bricks, sandbags or uno stacko.

That’s what the Red Line might be - it’s not a megacontinent, nor is it islands placed side by side. It’s a pile of continents that circumvent the world.

(A point that can be made against this theory is the fact that Lunarians were said to have lived on the Red Line since ancient times.

My counter: it’s possible that these parts were natural. The World Government built around it to reach their level and become Gods.)

Where does this idea come from, you ask?

I noticed it first in chapter 1029, The Tower. Hawkins draws the tarot card which symbolizes ‘an upheaval of the established order’.

On the cover, we see Bonney with two stacks of bowls behind her - effectively forming towers.

In recent chapter, we see Bonney’s father, Kuma, climbing the Red Line - a “Tower” in the One Piece world.

Do you know what Bonney's hobby is according to the SBS? Jenga.

Maybe it’s not related to anything…but maybe, the tower that Kuma is climbing is, like Jenga, a stack.

You might be thinking - so what if the Red Line is a stack?

Here’s the thing: stacks (like the one Smoker is making here) fall apart far more easily than a block. If this is true, the destruction of the Red Line might not be as impossible as it seems.

Let’s connect this idea to the One Piece.

If you’ve ever played Jenga, sometimes, all it takes is a single piece to be unstable for the tower to collapse.

I believe this single piece will be what leads to the destruction of the Red Line.

You might be thinking - but the One Piece is at Laugh Tale. Am I saying that Laugh Tale is at Marygeoise? No.

The One Piece treasure at Laugh Tale is simply what reveals or makes vulnerable the one piece of the Red Line that needs to be destroyed.

The One Piece is the key to the destruction of the Red Line.

Perhaps it's something that'll act like a map or a key. Another possibility is that the One Piece is a switch that needs to be flipped.

Many possibilities.

I believe that during the Void Century, the race of Ancient Giants, which the Oars I belonged to, were enslaved to create the Red Line.

This is similar to the enslavement of the toys and tontatta of Dressrosa, the slaves of Marygeoise, and the labourers of Tequila Wolf.

In an act of rebellion, Oars I could have planted a weakness in the Red Line - an act of rebellion against his oppressors, and a hope that in the future, someone will be able to inherit his will.

It’s kinda like Garen Erso from Star Wars putting a weakness in the Death Star.

This’ll also have parallels with Kyros - who was the only toy able to escape Sugar’s rules and lead the rebellion. All you need is a seed.

In another theory I’ve created - I speculated that Zunesha is the original Oars. Perhaps this is related to their crime.

To summarize, the Red Line is a stack of islands built by the Ancient Giants.

One of them planted a weakness in the Red Line, a piece that’ll lead to it’s destruction.

Finding the One Piece will allow Luffy to find that piece, destroy the Red Line and create a sea of liberty.

This might also be the moment he becomes Pirate King.

He said so himself - in front of the Red Line in Chapter 490.

"We'll encounter this wall one more time. And when that happens, I'll be the King of the Pirates!!!"

Interesting, isn’t it?

I’ll leave you with the chapter cover of 594: Message.

In it, we see Sengoku and Garp stacking rice crackers to form a tower. Coincidence, or GODA? You decide.

Do like and RT if you enjoyed this thread, and check out other theories below! 🙏

What is the One Piece:

Where is Laugh Tale:

Who is Zunesha:

What is Luffy's dream:

If you made it all the way here, thank you for your attention and support!

Have a good weekend and enjoy One Piece.

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