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Feb 10, 2023, 6 tweets

Heading over to Valentine's weekend.
Whether single, in a situationship, relationship, married, happily married or any other category you are in;

You deserve good movies and TV Shows to watch this weekend:

Here are the Must Watch New Releases for YOU:

5. Your Place or Mine

4. Somebody I used to know

On a trip to her hometown, workaholic Ally reminisces with her ex Sean and starts to question everything about her life. Things only become more confusing when she learns Sean is getting married to Cassidy, who reminds her of the person she used to be

3. Love is Blind

#LoveIsBlindAftertheAltar Episodes are out today.

Keep hearing that SK is proposing again?

2. Valentine's Day

I had to sneak this movie because why not?…

1. You Season 4 Part 1

Check out this list:

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