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Feb 11, 2023, 8 tweets

#SonamWangchuk a Ladakh based activist has been on a protest claiming it to be for the rights of indigenous people & for the safegaurd of Ladakh.
Are you sure this is the reason?
Let's take a look

2. Wangchuk claims his protest is for the betterment of Ladakh. If that's the case, why people of Ladakh not standing with him & protesting?
The reality is that his overhyped projects in Ladakh have done more bad than good.
Don't believe me? See yourself

3. Sonam Wangchuk has been using tonnes of seabuck thorn (indigenous plant) to make the ice stupa, which is a failed project. Now the plastic used in his project is lying ideal adding to wastage.
On one side he says #SaveLadakh on other side he is ruining Ladakh with his projects

4. Residents of Phyang village had written a letter to the CEO of the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council, Leh, for the cancellation of 1200 kanals of land allocated to Wangchuk’s Himalayan Institute of Alternatives Ladakh (HIAL).…

5. The villagers also accused Wangchuk of playing with the sentiments of the villager of Phyang village by making false promises & enticing them just for the sake of getting a NOC for allotment of land”
Is this what Mr. Wangchuk call standing for the people of Ladakh?

6. The diverted water from Phyang stream is wasted on barren hard rock surface whereas villagers of Phey, which is located downstream, faced acute shortage of water for drinking as well as irrigation.

7. Chewang Norphel was the person who actually did solve Ladakh water crisis to some extent & it even got him his nickname 'Ice man of India' when he created artificial glacier in 1986 in leh thereby solving the water crisis faced by locals.
Wangchuk never gave any credit to him.

8. Now, since Mr. Wangchuk has created his base among the youth, he has started doing politics.
All this is to hide his misdeed & his failed projects. #sonamwangchuk need to apologise to his people for misleading them instead of blaming others for his failed endeavors.

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