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#AWW: documenting and compiling data on violence, hate, discrimination and bigotry directed at #ethnicEuropeans

Feb 11, 2023, 6 tweets

#EthnicEuropean/White folk are facing an existential threat to our people & nations: #ANTIWHITEISM
We all recognize it when we see it yet lack a framework for enumerating it.

In collaboration with @wayotworld @Klaus_Arminius @solidarityeurop @patrickbasedmn we outline it here🧵

#Antiwhiteism #Dispossession: From the political disenfranchisement of mass migration to forced 'diversity' programs that exclude #EthnicEuropeans from positions in politics & society we are losing agency as a people, made foreigners in our own lands.
@AshaLogos @Henrik_Palmgren

#Antiwhiteism #Defamation: #antiwhite tropes & conspiracy theories of power such as 'White privilege' are now mainstream.
#Antiwhite organizations such as the #ADL often employ libel against #EthnicEuropeans advocating for simple national rights & interests.
@TOOEdit @LanaLokteff

#Antiwhiteism #Denial: Basic national rights and group interest advocacy commonly enjoyed by other communities is rejected by Globalists, often in conjunction with #defamation hurled against those who do stand up.
The #INDIGENOUS nature of #EthnicEuropeans to Europe is denied.

#Antiwhiteism #Replacement: Globalists have implement policies that limit and remove #EthnicEuropeans at institutional and national levels, substituting foreign people in their place.
Historical revisionism is rife in media as race swapping has become mainstream.

This is Version 1.0 in what will likely be an evolving document. Points may be added or consolidated based on community feedback. We hope this provides a framework for understanding #ANTIWHITEISM
@restoreorderusa @EndWokeness @MarkACollett @MarkDice @lporiginalg @The_Westernist

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