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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Feb 11, 2023, 18 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 2.11 News Flash from Syria!

The earthquake has left hundreds of thousands homeless. The CCTV stringer sadly notes they have no home, nowhere to go, nothing to their name.

But what really hurts is sanctions...

This insightful point is driven home on a street where Russia Today has a crew in place

The camera zooms in on a face in the crowd, focusing on a tall, soft-spoken man, a man named Bashar.

"The West, they put politics above humanitarianism! For them, all politics! Not humane"

Thank you.

And now we turn to Turkey where orange-suited Chinese rescue crews wearing easy-to-identify Chinese caps and jackets with Chinese flags and logos have been busy in front of our cameras...

@Nrg8000 @Dimi @polijunkie_aus @StephenMcDonell

Feb 11
Some highlights from the last few days of China's publicity-shy search-and-rescue squad...

The rescuers don't speak the language, so there's lots of pointing and hand gestures.

Everything depends on the cooperation of local authorities, even photo ops.

The Turkish hosts gently applaud the arrival of the Chinese rescuers...

Feb 11 (con't)
China has been very generous with its time and material donations.

Feb 10
The CCTV stand-ups lend a certain CNN-style gloss to the coverage, in Turkey and Syria respectively

Feb 10
Rescuers get flown on a smaller plane to the earthquake zone.

Feb 9
The moment of arrival in Turkey on a special Air China jet is recorded for posterity

Feb 7
Back in China, getting ready...

Don't ask...

CCTV included close-ups of the insignia of the
"Chinasearchandrescue Team"

Feb 7 (con't)
Marching in formation in a parking lot



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