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Feb 11, 2023, 13 tweets

Whistleblowers in UK & USA are alleging widespread abuses in treatment of gender dysphoric children with puberty-blocking drugs & surgeries

US "What is happening to them is morally & medically appalling"

UK "Will we look back in ten, 20 years and be like, 'What did we do?’”

1. Treatment was based on little to no research or standards

US: "I was struck by the lack of formal protocols for treatment."

UK "In April 2014, the practice of prescribing blockers to under-16s was introduced before data on effects was available"

2. In response to a major increase in dysphoric children coming to the transgender clinics starting around 2015, both UK (Tavistock) & US (St. Louis Children's), rushed to prescribe drugs rather than pause to investigate potential reasons for the increase.

3. At both the UK and US clinics, there was widespread evidence that the children were suffering from a range of other psychiatric disorders, mental illness, or disabilities including autism.

4. The clinics did not track patient outcomes

UK: "Former therapists who prescribed puberty blockers admit they do not know 'how many children [have since] changed their mind.'"

US: "One doctor wondered aloud why he would spend time on someone who was no longer his patient"

5. Clinic leadership retaliated against those who raised concerns

UK: "The trust’s head of safeguarding said anyone who spoke out was 'demonised.'"

US: "The doctors said that my colleague and I had to stop questioning the 'science' as well as their authority."

6. Whistleblowers in both UK and US say clinics caved into parents who insisted their children were trans even when there was evidence the parents were: abusing their children; had Münchausen syndrome by proxy; were homophobic and didn't want gay children.

There is good evidence that gender dysphoria is a social contagion

“Clinicians recall multiple instances of young people who had suffered homophobic bullying and then identified as trans. ‘So many times’ a family would say, ‘Thank God my child is trans and not gay or lesbian.’”


“How did an NHS service medicalise so many autistic and same-sex-attracted young people, unhappy teenage girls and children who simply felt uncomfortable with masculine or feminine templates, with so little knowledge of the causes of their distress or the effects of the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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