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Indian-Bharatiya-Hindustani | WiP Socialist | Gandhi Bhakt | Cat Pop | Lord of Canine | Communication | Anti-caste | Sensitive Atheist | MICA

Feb 12, 2023, 12 tweets

1. When he's not lambasting pet-panelists on his screen, Arnab Goswami loves to asunder the Lutyen's Media. For Arnab, it's a sad defence of his sorry jounralism, but the term does exist, in spirit, on screen, in black ink. Arnab himself is a ganglord but thanks to @ravishndtv

2. many like Arnab fall into a category of a more aggressive & rabid breed called godi media. But the blue-blood Lutyenites exist in the form of Tavleen Singh. They excel in the art of subtle propaganda/sycophancy/favouritism. Their opinions are crafted with enough criticism to

3. create the perfect bitter chocolate that the emperor so desires. Her current article (link: rb.gy/p7cqre) is another offering laced with finest ingredients of eulogy. The H/L proudly proclaims Modi as a messiah to the poor as no other Cong PM has ever been.

4. Facts, obviously aren't her baking oil. Why has Modi been India's poor-preferred PM, Ms. Singh offers no proof but only fragrant conclusions. From Nehru's socialist vision to Indira Gandhi's call for Garibi Hatao to the revolutionary MNREGA under Dr. MMS, not to mention, many

5. state gov's scheme that helped eradicate the extreme poverty India had been bestowed upon at the time of Independence
The art of baking isn't just the ingredients, it is also the optimum temperature to the time. That is the sub-H/L where Ms.Singh creates an oxymoronic image of

6. Modi as a capitalism wanting icon with public welfare at core. The latter as per the author is the reason for 'non-performance'. Basically as per Tavleen, Modi's reluctant socialism outshines Cong's welfare state vision. Licking, super licking Tavleen! Evidence lacking, she

7. proceeds to describe the masculine chest thumping of PM in Parliament. How is that connected to economics is not relevant. What matters is that the PM's utterance found resonance with elitist Ms. Lutyens & so must should it with the middle-class India filled with aspirations

8. & a belief they've been wronged at the hand of socialist welfare. Because she has no flour of evidence to counter the criticality of socialism for a newly liberated India, Ms.Lutyens hangs on to some obscure nations that progressed more than India. Who? No answers. Perhaps she

9. refers to Pakistan or Bangladesh or the countless African states reeling with civil wars. or was it China & its gross negligence of human rights? The fact is India's diversity, its abject poverty & social factors necessitated socialism & welfare as the guiding principles. She

10. touches on #AdaniScam with deliberate frivolity to give a sense of legit coverage to her article. There is more buffoonery passing as argument as one reads further but yes her best defence of bitter criticality is that the BJP ruled state CMs have failed Modi, the blameless.

11. She reserves the prime target, the real truffle for Ms. Sonia Gandhi's article on Budget. Whether she has read it or not is immaterial as Ms.Lutyens knowledge of economics is as visible as the PM's MA degree. She dismisses Ms.Gandhi's article as dismal w/o the grace of h/ling

12. her reasons. She is dismissive of UPA's 'rights based gov' yet praises Modi's welfare schemes. She fails to mention MNREGA, that made a difference between life & death during Covid & the gov's indifference to it. Well tried Ms.Lutyens but tastes sour without baking with facts

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