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Feb 12, 2023, 10 tweets

Wow. Is this really happening in Ohio? This is really bad news. I will post more on the thread.

Warning ⚠️ some language, understand why!

They say water will be safe? But water has dead stuff in it Hmm 🤔

So this is why Evan was arrested, I tweeted about it last night. I did see something about a train but the focus was on him being arrested.

Isn’t this amazing? I have heard zero on the Mainstream News. This is absolutely Proof Mainstream Media is not there to Report the news anymore!

A friend sent me this! Says it’s PVC? Longtime fan, first time caller!

Did you check out the chemical that makes up a lot of the Ohio train???

It's made into PVC.…

Can you imagine the federal Government Blew up the Poison from the Train Derailment? Probably why the media is not Talking about this! Shocking to say the least.

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