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Rédacteur rugby et NFL pour le @cafecremesport. les ballons ovoïdes sont ma passion. Prof de bio³ coujou aussi.

Feb 12, 2023, 7 tweets

🎨📽️[Thread] - Kicking game and coverages

Les Bleus used to occupy, recover the ball in the opposition side and then score quickly in transition (under 5 phases).
Well Saturday afternoon, that went wrong...

France was stubborn in a playstyle that isn't what they plan all year.
And the guilty is *drum roll* the kicking game.

That's the first time that it was so defficient under Galthié.

1) Schematically

2) Execution

Irishmen were simply better, technically, individually, Murray, Sexton, Keenan, Lowe... All rocked their international level kicking game.
For Les Bleus, Besides Dupont, kicking game was to much inconsistent.

3) Coverage system

Classic lesson gave by the irishmen. the backfield was perfectly locked by the back three. Rotation were balanced af.
France played in 2 high without wingers but with his best defender...

4) Player profiles

This is linked with the profiles of the irishmen: Keenan & Hansen the sky masters, all around players. And the atypic Lowe with his mammuth boot.
In opposition, Penaud & Dumortier are "just" creators and finishers

5) QI/reads/adaptation

Maybe the most important point of them all. Exemple is quite flagrant.
The back three in the defensive line, weakside winger who doesn't cover on a territorial kick in a dense zone... Harsh.

6) Limitations...

Dupont as the main piece of the system cover is for me a problem. Well i mean, Dupont is not the problem, but that nobody is able to assume the covering and kicking game as qualitative as his... that's the problem.

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