Stephanie Farr Profile picture
Philly culture reporter (aka jawnalist) at The Philadelphia Inquirer, covering what makes Philly weird, wild & wonderfully unique.

Feb 13, 2023, 27 tweets

The celebration has already begun on Broad Street in Philly. #GoBirds

Philly Elmo and his drum line are warming up.…

We’re out here partying while watching the end of the game on our phones

Chants of F the Chiefs fill the streets.

They’re still dancing here in Philly. The sound of “F the Chiefs” chants is loud.

Tons of people are pouring onto Broad Street. Confetti is being thrown. Philly Elmo and his drum line are keeping the party going. One drunk woman approached the drum line and yelled “Stop! We lost!! Stop this!”

Cops are still smoking their celebratory cigars.

Overheard on Broad: “It’s still Philly!”

Ben Franklin gets down on Broad Street.

“You’re always gonna have ups and downs any time you play this game. We still got to support our team. We don’t drop support because they lost. We still out here celebrating because we’re still the Bird Gang.” Jamel Fanning, 40, of Southwest Philly.

They’re singing to “Don’t Stop Believing” out here.

But there is nary a pole climber in sight. It really is a celebratory thing only here in Philly.

Not going to let those confetti poppers go to waste!

Just heard an announcement for the crowd to disperse.

Mekenzie Voglino, 27, and Alexis Whyte, 26, came to Broad in their “It’s a Philly thing” shirts.

“We’re sad. We had to come do a public grieving,” Voglino said. “We’re devastated between this and the Phillies.”

“But them playing till the end was a Philly thing,” said Whyte.

People are out here taking photos with the cops who are about to push them out.

People are still out here spraying bottles of champagne, shooting off fireworks and popping confetti. There’s people in eagles costumes, a guy in a banana costume and a dancing Ben Franklin. There’s mourning for sure, but nothing but love for this team. It was a good run.

Like the Eagles, she did not make it all the way to the top.

Overheard: “Come back to this street. It’s fun as f—-.”

That’s like some Italian Market Fest pole climbing.

Guess even bananas find our poles a-peeling.…

Cops have cleared the crowds from abroad.

That’s it for me tonight. It’s not the ending we wanted, but it was still a great run for a great city. #GoBirds #GoPhilly

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