Satyamshakti/Annant Drishti Adhyatam Peetham Profile picture
Life Coach, Vedic Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, astro psychology,PLR

Feb 13, 2023, 7 tweets

Sun and Saturn will be in conjunction in the zodiac sign of Aquarius on February 13, 2023 and March 15, 2023. A conjunction is a planetary aspect that occurs when two or more planets are at the same degree in the zodiac.
#Vedicjyotish #vedicastrology #astrology

This can indicate a harmonious blending of the energies of the planets involved and can have a strong influence on the traits and characteristics associated with the sign they are in.
#Vedicjyotish #vedicastrology #astrology

The Sun in astrology represents our core identity and sense of self, while Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and responsibility.
#Vedicjyotish #vedicastrology #astrology

Conjunction of these two celestial bodies in Aquarius may bring about a time for reassessing our goals and dreams and finding ways to make them more practical and achievable.
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This could also be a time for rethinking our social and collective responsibilities, and finding innovative and unique ways to bring about change.

Credit: Ganesha Speaks

#Vedicjyotish #vedicastrology #astrology

To know about this and future conjunctions as well as their impact on your life, get in touch with me via DM/comments or visit so that I can help you create a road map specific to your chart.
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For those arguing on graha yudh
Only 5 planets participate in the war of the planets: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, & Mars.
The Sun(king) and the Moon dont participate in the war of planets, so do Rahu& Ketu.Here we are talking about sun and saturn conjunction.

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