Uche Aniche Profile picture
I build solutions and businesses. Passionate about #Startups and help them succeed... Founder @Havilah_Hills & Convener @StartupSouthNG

Feb 13, 2023, 9 tweets

Alright! Everyone gather here. Call ya yard people. Let's discuss what's in Obi's manifesto and show why he's the Force. I must reiterate what's already obvious. Obi has changed the face of politics in Nigeria going forward.

1. 100,000KM of Paved Road in 8 Years.

2. 6 Units highly trained Elite Force to provide fast response to/stamp out insecurity

3. UAV & Tech supported continued surveillance to provide real time information to security operatives.


4 Tech heavy (App/USSD) public communication and feedback system for reporting security breaches


5. Roughly 300 New Policemen, 15 New Patrol Cars & 2 New Dog Units Per LGA with a targeted response time of 5mins.


6. 24/7 Control Centers in each Geo Political Zone to coordinate responses and ensure great response time.


7. Technology supported traffic 🚦 enforcement and vehicle tax collection system


8. Hi profile annual event to honour fallen heroes & the families they left behind


9. Community Policing and regular police-residence interactions


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