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Feb 14, 2023, 25 tweets

1/The CDC's "ONE HEALTH" is "a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach — working at the local, regional, national, and global levels."


2/ONE HEALTH is sold to an unwitting and unsuspecting public this way: cdc.gov/onehealth/imag…

3/ONE HEALTH has a central node for leadership, direction and functionality: cdc.gov/onehealth/who-…

4/ONE HEALTH functions to cast dominion over HUMAN, ANIMAL & ENVIRONMENTAL domains meaning TOTAL DOMINION OVER EVERYTHING & EVERYONE ONE under the guise of "disease prevention": cdc.gov/onehealth/who-…

5/The TOTAL DOMINION of ONE HEALTH is found in its "Charge": "CDC’s One Health Office works in the United States and around the world to protect the health of humans, animals, and the environment.": cdc.gov/onehealth/who-…

6/ONE HEALTH is the ARCHITECTURE for GLOBAL GOVERNANCE via medical tyranny derived from fraudulently predicated "pandemics" & disease outbreaks under the guise of "build[ing] strong partnerships with human, animal, and environmental health organizations": cdc.gov/onehealth/who-…

7/ONE HEALTH touts its own "success" to exacerbate the pervasive testing and monitoring from COVID-19 as extended into animals, farming [food production and supply] and more to "prevent an influenza pandemic": cdc.gov/onehealth/who-…

8/A closer look at the ONE HEALTH OFFICE provides further evidence of the architecture for a global ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT under the guise of disease prevention and a GLOBAL HEALTH SECURITY AGENDA: cdc.gov/onehealth/what…

9/The architecture of ONE HEALTH provides medical tyranny top-down from plausible fraudulently predicated Public Health Emergency declarations executed by an umbrella of federal agencies & departments acquiescing to & aligned with global leadership/WHO: cdc.gov/onehealth/what…

10/The history of ONE HEALTH is particularly problematic indicating that the analysis at politicalmoonshine.com is entirely on the mark relative to a generational plan rooted in U.S. infiltration, subversion & more recently, the impact of what I've branded "Dynastic Bush":

11/The history of ONE HEALTH is particularly problematic and a closer examination of its timeline of people and events is revealing for America's slow and deliberate march towards COMMUNISM and GLOBAL GOVERNANCE: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

12/The history of ONE HEALTH 1821-1902: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

13/The history of ONE HEALTH 1849-1919: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

14/The history of ONE HEALTH 1947: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

15/The history of ONE HEALTH 1927-2006: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

16/The history of ONE HEALTH 2004: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

17/The history of ONE HEALTH 2007: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

18/The history of ONE HEALTH 2008: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

19/The history of ONE HEALTH 2009: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

20/The history of ONE HEALTH 2010: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

21/The history of ONE HEALTH 2011: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

22/The history of ONE HEALTH 2012: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

23/The history of ONE HEALTH 2013: cdc.gov/onehealth/basi…

24/To fully comprehend the problematic nature of the ONE HEALTH timeline, overlay its information with the Moonshine COVID-19 timeline containing over 130 entries sourced & cited to primary & secondary sources, articles, videos & graphic illustrations: politicalmoonshine.com/2021/09/29/cov…

25/ To learn more about ONE HEALTH:

1: politicalmoonshine.com/2022/12/23/if-…

2: politicalmoonshine.com/2023/01/13/the…

3: politicalmoonshine.com/2022/11/01/the…

To learn more about the next "pandemic" & how ONE HEALTH will bear down: politicalmoonshine.com/2023/02/10/the…

ONE HEALTH is the architecture for GLOBAL GOVERNANCE.


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