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Feb 15, 2023, 8 tweets

Javascript Error handling tactics every web developer should know:

1. Try/Catch Statements

This code block tries to execute a section of code, and if an error occurs, it jumps to the catch block to handle the error.

This is very important for handling any runtime faults that may occur.

Here's one instance:

2. Error Objects

JavaScript's Error object allows you to define and throw your unique errors.

Here's one instance:

3. Error Logging

Logging errors to the console or server can be a handy method for swiftly locating and resolving problems.

You can log errors to the console with console.error() or to a file or server using a logging library such as Winston.

4. Using finally block

The finally block always executes, regardless of whether an error was thrown or not.

It can be used to perform cleanup operations, such as closing a file or releasing resources.

5. Using window.onerror

This event handler can be used to catch any unhandled JavaScript problems.

It is handy for recording problems to the server and showing a polite error message.

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