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Feb 15, 2023, 5 tweets


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▪️Title: #KashmirPoint
▪️Genre: Memoir / Politics
▪️Published: 2019
▪️Author: Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhary
▪️Print: BPH Lahore
▪️Description: Memoir of Abdul Rashid Malik & his kashmir point columns printed in Nawa e waqt from 1988-2014.

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عطاءالحق قاسمی کے تعریفی کلمات

خود مختار کشمیر کی سب سے پہلے بات جن لوگوں نے کی

In 1947, Hindu population is n IIOJK was 20%, in 1988 it soared to 36%. What it is now in 2023?

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