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Official news & updates from the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS). Home of #TrustedInfo & #BizSchemeSOS initiatives.

Feb 15, 2023, 7 tweets

Ecstatic to welcome so many @NASSorg members to the 2023 Winter #NASSCon!

Looking forward to a productive and informative conference.

Day 1 of #NASSCon featured a New Member Orientation - a great opportunity to learn about the impactful work of @NASSorg and our members.

The day concluded with a reception at @Microsoft. A big thanks to them for their sponsorship and hospitality!

Day 2 of the 2023 Winter #NASSCon kicked off with the Cybersecurity Committee meeting featuring presentations from @CISAgov's @CISAJen, @FBI and @Microsoft.

Thanks to @SecretaryWay for leading the committee!

A very productive Elections Committee meeting yesterday led by Co-Chairs @IowaSOS and @NMSecOfState.


The @NASSorg Margaret Chase Smith Award for political courage was posthumously presented to Mr. Miguel H. Trujillo. His legacy as a Native American voting rights advocate is an inspiration.

His granddaughter, Ms. Patricia Abeita, accepted the award.


#NASSCon Day 2 continued with a fireside chat featuring @NASSorg President @SecretaryWay and Mr. John Schreiber, @NJPAC President & CEO, on the intersection of civic engagement and the arts 🇺🇸🎭

Rounded out #NASSCon Day 2 with our State Heritage Committee.

@Ancestry joined us to share their innovative 1950s census work.

We also heard from @StateArchivists on their Preparing Archives for Records in Email Initiative.

Thanks, @secstatewa for leading the meeting!

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