TruthSeeker73 Profile picture
Survived the 2020-21 🦠 wars, but got taken off here for posting on VitD/IVM and asking too many questions...back and still asking questions #TruthSeeker

Feb 16, 2023, 11 tweets

35. Mainstream media and Dr Gounder highlighting a sharp rise in ❤️ attacks among young adults in the post-Covid era and then suggesting that not wearing masks in this age group could have been a contributing factor...

Really? Because “science”?



36. Here is Dr Gounder’s own tweet with her suggestion of higher ❤️ attacks in young adults because “younger people were less likely to wear a mask”...

Whatever you do, Doc, do not look at VAERS data or read @P_McCulloughMD @DrAseemMalhotra @DocAhmadMalik et al


37. Mask wearing and links to cancer

...why did medical, scientific and political authorities - going against all existing data & evidence accumulated over decades - ever think that masks were a good idea 🤯🤯🤯

@VigilantFox @drCParks1 @no_masks_at_all @DrNoMask

38. More “Dr” Fauci of #GainOfFauci fame with recommendations of double masking as recently as 1 year ago

Hilariously, he describes himself as a Dr & has held down a top medical job in the 🇺🇸 for many years coinciding with several “zoonotic” 🦠 outbreaks 🤣🤣🤣


39. Cochrane report shows masks have zero efficacy in preventing respiratory conditions; could have asked #Maskman in 2020 to save all this bother!!


40. Duplicitous hypocrites 🤣🤣🤣

Here are leading lights of the 🇺🇸 Democrat party in unseen 🎥 within 24 hours of each other...

To mask or not to mask that is the question? Who’s going to be watching...that is the answer

All about 💰 + control 😷

@DschlopesIsBack @goddeketal

41. Older people in their 70s + 80s most at risk from COVID-19 THEY said

Need to stay masked indoors to protect senior citizens THEY said

Do as WE say not as WE do THEY said

More farcical 😷 hypocrisy

≠ health
= just theatre all along
= all about control


42. Another paper with the same conclusions = 😷 NOT effective and 😷 also HARMFUL...


43. Now the clowns at the CDC acknowledge significant harms from wearing N95s due to CO2 buildup - we could have told them that in 2020



44. Good Jan 2021 find & the old recommendation to 3x mask for fast-track asphyxiation - what a fricking crazy year ‘21 was with full frontal military grade psyops on all people...congrats if you survived intact!!



Ps not sure why gary lineker photo used

45. @kevinnbass bringing 🔥 on showing a survey of nurses where 70%+ reported headaches and nearly all reported adverse effects after a shift wearing masks...

Masks ≠ safe + effective

Masks = unsafe + ineffective



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