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Feb 16, 2023, 29 tweets

Reading the "Language of Media, Destruction of language and building of consent"

A thread on the fly with interesting passages

Trigger words, used to quickly tell the audience who is good and bad, can be used in questiona to censor people while having them on air

Asking an opponent of #Gaymarriage if he is an "homophobe" allow you to pretend to have a debate while forcing him to waste airtime

The distinction between Islam and islamism is done by non-muslims using non Muslim criteria

A direct attack on Christians is explained and minimized, but a suspected attack on a Jewish cemetery is affirmed as being antisemitic even without proof, speaking of systemic and diffuse anti-Semitism, the happens between racism (against blacks) and racism (against whites)

Muitas vezes o manipulador quer nos fazer perder tempo com jogos semânticos, pois mesmo que eu não estou a usar a palavra correcta eu consigo descrever o que não quero e isto deveria ser o suficiente e pode ser remediado por meio da indicação da palavra certa

Despite being artificial and a copy from religious and utopic movement, the idea of the progress of History is useful to disarm the opponents of change, who by stopping to resist to what they think is inevitable let it happen.

In a wrestling the one that stopped fighting loses

You can rectify a false information, but you can't rectify the sentiment it has caused in people, sure a small correction can be published but would it have the same effect as the bombastic initial announcement?

The power of the média is to influence people, not so much to make them to do something, but to feel a certain way, it is more akin to seduction, to convince the reader to adopt the correct feelings and be proud of them, sometimes only is inaction is needed other conformity

This book doesn't concern it self about false information, but about something worse : self induced misinformation

The journalist set the stage, by his ignorance and convictions, so that the events fit what he believes to be morally required to be true, and infect the viewer.

Think of it as a flutist who plays the next notes based on the ones he heard before, so they rhyme and not because he intentionally wants to play the notes, it is is a feed back loop

It is possible for individuals or independent media operations, think Alex Jones, to imitate the media methods of suggestion, which is ironically denounced by the traditional media in their war against conspiracy theorists, showing lack of self-awareness…

The use of dramatic music, like in Cinema, is pervasive in tv documentaries and investigative pieces, as emotional cues to tell the viewer how he has to feel about the information provided instead of using his brain to decide that to think about it

Sometimes the journalist want to prove his loyalty by excess, like one based in Paris that went to investigate a far-right group in Bordeaux, turns out he was a far-right activist youth in Bordeaux so this was a way to burn the bridges with his past

The problem is not that the journalist is immoral, he might be a good person, it is that he thinks that he has the right of not being moral with undesirables and "extremists". His morality is not universal, it is only for friends and good people

Trying at all cost to destroy fascism, the journalist that was a ex Right-wing youth militant used a crisis and played a crisis actor to create the "correct images" by goading the people, he was illegally filming in hidden camera, to say mildly antisemitic frases and failed

Using use 15 minutes of fame on the TV, to get free actors

A man agreed to be filmed for 6 hours in his house thinking his auto tuning passion will be on display, it ended up being used as a documentaries on sexism: woman working as men play with big toys

A full page on the Aylan controversy, where Europe was held as directly responsible for his death and the only remedy presented was opening the gates to millions of immigrants, as the only effects of this policy are positive

Never ask what could Aylan be if he grew up in Berlin.

One of the laziest way for the media to create content is to report on their reporting, after milking a scandal for 2-3 weeks with special reports, interviews and expert analysis they then pontificate about their own performance

Speaking about nonsense to prevent "discussions"

The focus on emotionalism is such perpetrators of crimes are made out to be monsters and the victims saint, with unspoken idea that a son of a bitch deserves to die (he is racist) or that a criminal that is a victim is sanctified if the perpetrators are racist (George Floyd)

Reality then conforms to reporting of media : "men physically assaulted for saying words, he deserved it"

In another context or time that lack of self control of the "verbally assaulted", would be discussed, but a story can only have Good and Bad guys…

You might be a drug addict and violent criminal, but since you are victim of a "racist" crime then you must be an angel especially if your death is used to trigger mass unrest used to consolidate power and scare your opossition…

The ombudsman of a French TV station defended himself of accusations of pro mass migration propaganda saying that his colleagues only followed the news and he didn't censor them

The beauty is that no censor is needed, it is autocensoring motivated by ethics and cult of progress

The journalist many times misses real news, for example he insist that Sarkozi use of "Republic" instead of "France" is a ploy to promote his renamed republican party, while it implies loyalty to regime instead of country or miss Holland prophetic future tense focusing on "I".

The journalist is not always manipulating the news, sometime he himself merely reat to it, as he trying to make the audience reaxt, it is mass hysteria and emotional incontinence

The two factors that allow people to be easily manipulated are the degradation of language and the end of the teaching of retoric (in the name of freedom), losing "isegory" which is the equal access to persuasive speech, better concept than free speech

The absence of rhetorical training, allied to credentials of education, that give people the illusion that they are intelligent, and mass communication, leads to a mass of easily manipulated citizens

Being able to resist information, sceptical, is required to be truly informed

The last chapter of the book discusses how the same tendencies of the mainstream criticized by the alternative media are sometimes reproduced by the second, but the readers are less suspicious of people who are of the same ideology.

The author concluded that violence is the final outcome, for unable to understand the world, because education (school and media) do not give the command of the language, people are excited by conspiracies that the media can't quell as they loss power thanks to the internet.

Linguistic incompetence, by a narrowing of the vocabulary, masked by heavy borrowing from English, and poor grammar , leads to a word where people don't understand what they seek to explain , while it is their job description

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