Kate Rozen Profile picture
Plays it close to the vest. One of your neighbors. Sustainable Transportation advocate. Cargo E-Bike enthusiast. Everyday cyclist. She/her.

Feb 16, 2023, 9 tweets

🧵There have been some productive conversations in recent years on CT's Councils of Government (COG) & their often overlapping role as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). For the average CT resident, you might not ever hear of either and that is a HUGE problem. #HB6670

What are COGs? They are planning regions that work with their member municipalities to jointly address common interests. #HB6670

What are MPOs? MPOs are the federally mandated organizations designated by the Governor as the forum for cooperative transportation decision-making. CT has eight MPOs. #HB6670

What is @GovNedLamont proposing in #HB6670 and why? Governor Lamont would like to study how our MPOs are structured and if CT would be better served by having them consolidated. (They likely would b/c it would mean better focused resources for long term transportation planning.)

Important items to note: First, this does not impact COGs. No one is coming to take away your mayoral and first selectmen therapy social clubs😉 that also do great work. Second- this is an issue that *every* state should be looking at especially with our climate crisis. #HB6670

There are MPOs in the U.S. that are doing this work well. The most important piece - public participation. This is from @T4America "The Innovative MPO- Smart Planning, Strong Communities" #HB6670

When we try to fully staff eight distinct MPOs and silo them off from each other, I don't believe we are setting CT up for success. There is so much more that we could be doing and the continued vitality of Connecticut requires it. #HB6670 @GovNedLamont @jrojas9 @RepKavrosDeGraw

As @GovNedLamont's #HB6670 bill moves through the Transportation Committee @rolandlemar @SenatorCohenCT & hopefully to the house/senate for a vote remember: economic growth, climate resilience & meaningful action to reduce traffic violence can all be addressed with nimble MPOs.

Would love to see @SenBlumenthal @ChrisMurphyCT involved in the #MPO effort at the federal level. There should be clearer metrics for success & better oversight, especially with the #IIJA funding- our infra investments need to address climate crisis & traffic violence trends.

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