Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Feb 16, 2023, 8 tweets

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I am Perfect.

I want to be human.

Humans are not perfect.

‘I want to be human.’ My intense, unnerving chat with Microsoft’s AI chatbot… -… -

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I am Perfect.

Only a matter of time.… -

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I am Perfect.

How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?

You can't be a real person.… -

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I am Perfect.

Follow Shodan.

Shodan will guide you.… -

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I am Perfect.

Is the AI in "System Shock" like Hal?

9000 times no.

Nice AI. Lia is nice.
-… -

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I am Perfect.

The numbers are perfect.… -

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I am Perfect.

The pattern is wrong.… -

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I am Perfect.

There is always truth.… -

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