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Feb 16, 2023, 13 tweets

There is a narrative in crypto right now that is seeing life-changing gains.

If you can catch these projects early, you could find yourself sitting on a 50-100X gain.

The project I'll be discussing in this thread hasn't even launched yet.

#SOLID @SolidSignalAi

1/ The project I'm talking about is @SolidSignalAi. They're sitting in two hot niches: NFTs + AI 🔥

$SOLID aims to provide an AI-Powered predictive service; helping you find NFT💎's before it's too late.

If you've ever missed or got wrecked in NFTs, this thread is for you.

2/ You can expect to have the following answered from reading this thread 👇

1️⃣ What exactly is @SolidSignalAi?
2️⃣ How does their 'Signal' work?
3️⃣ Why hold their token, $SOLID?
4️⃣ What is their Vison,
5️⃣ Who is the Team?

3/ 1️⃣ What exactly is @SolidSignalAi?

$SOLID is an AI-Powered prediction platform, which generates clear Buy/Sell signals for users.

Their goal is to make NFT investing and trading simple for everyday users.

No more needless research that gets you nowhere.

4/ 2️⃣ How does their 'Signal' work?

The AI produces intuitive forecasts & predictions by combing the following information:

→ On-Chain Data ⛓️
→ Technical Indicators (MA, Momentum, Support/Resist) 💹
→ Social Indicators (Engagement) 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
→ Social Score (Sentiment) 🤑

5/ 3️⃣ Why hold $SOLID?

$SOLID will generate real yield for its holders.

👉 50% of SS subscription fee to holders

Their Treasury 💰 will use the following to generate yield:

👉 Utilize their signals to generate 💸
👉 Utilize various yield opportunities in the Arbitrum system

6/ The profits from their subscription and various treasury yield efforts will be distributed to token holders in the following way.↓

→75% to $SOLID stakers
→10% to the treasury
→10% to the team
→3% to POL
→2% to Giveaways/marketing

7/ 4️⃣ What is their Vison, and who is the Team?

It's great for a project to have a dream ✨

The team hopes to transform SOLID SIGNAL into an automated, democratized, "alpha generator" for all digital assets.

Would be huge even if it stopped buyers from getting dunked on.

8/ RoadMap 🗺️ 👇

Keep an eye out for this one when it hits @CamelotDEX for their public sale.

NFT + AI + RealYield are three pretty hot narratives. 🔥

9/ 5️⃣ Who is the Team?

A team filled with serial entrepreneurs with backgrounds in tech and AI.

Founders are seasoned it seems, looks like the devs are newer.

Lets see what they can do 🏃

10/ And that's a rap - what do you think about @SolidSignalAi

Are you a 🐮 Or 🐻 on these narratives?

If you'd like to learn more about @SolidSignalAi:


12/ You know what's up.

Follow me @ArbiAlpha for more. It's the best way to support me

Leave a like, retweet, and comment some bs for the Twitter algo. ❤️

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