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Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS): network of women athletes & our supporters advocating for female protected categories in sport

Feb 17, 2023, 5 tweets

🚨🚨🚨Police called on 19 women @ICFSport in Vancouver by Canadian Powerlifting Union Pres. Shane Martin

Women dressed in black to “mourn women’s sports” with “XY≠XX” stickers cheered female lifters forced to compete at CAN Nationals against trans identifying male, Anne Andres.

Original footage has been taken down by event organizers youtube.com/live/yVZIH0gaA…

🏋🏽Trans identifying male powerlifter, Anne Andres has taken 3rd at the CPU Canadian National Women’s Championships and left a female lifter off the podium.

Sheraton hotel manager @SheratonYVR asks women to leave women’s sporting event because they were cheering on women athletes and holding signs.
“If you’re refusing to leave we are going to have to take it to the next step…Officers are waiting outside.”

🏋🏽 These women refused to stop cheering for women asking for support like @Lea_Christina4 and would NOT leave after multiple men threatened and intimidated them. #ourbodiesoursports @ICFSport @coachblade

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