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Feb 17, 2023, 18 tweets

🧵 Antisemitism and Transphobia

Exploring similarities and through-lines between antismetic tropes and modern transphobia that I think need to be recognized with the resurgence of Neo-Nazi/fascism, and the acceleration of violence/legislation against trans people.

This thread was instigated by the recent murder of Brianna Ghey, a 16 year old trans child, and how she was represented in a transphobic cartoon that reminded me of antisemtic representation

Right wing conspiracies basically always come back to antisemitism and the "Jewish Question" usually coded behind dogwhistles and proxies; from interracial relationships (miscegenation) represented in media, to globalists pushing immigration to "replace" white people

The Right use terms like "gender ideology" when they talk about educational institutions "indoctrinating" and "grooming" students. What you might not know is this is also a dogwhistle for "Cultural Marxism" and the antisemitic conspiracy theory around the Frankfurt School

It's not surprising that the Right push the idea that educators even acknowledging the existence of trans/queer people is "grooming" children into being trans/gay; the Nazis also had similar beliefs about jews indoctrinating children in education

The fixation of children, and the lies surrounding gender affirming care— often described in inflammatory terms like "mutilation" and "butchering", feels very much like old tropes of jews kidnapping, murdering, and eating Christian children— and more recently "adrenochrome"

Probably the most common Jewish conspiracy surrounds "globalists" and the "New World Order"; the idea that a cabal of jews are running the world through banks/capitalism and shady organizations. This trope with the financial struggle really rallied post-WWI Germany....

...and continues today. George Soros is almost always a dogwhistle, and not just amongst the Right wing, but even in some "leftist" circles...

... now, the throughline to transphobia: 1) jews pushing LGBTQ acceptance, 2) color revolution from "the West", and 3) the trope of trans women being white and affluent— Caitlyn Jenner often being a proxy.

I want to take a moment to highlight @jk_rowling's "Legacy" of transphobia, antisemtism, and dismissal of human rights.

...And also plug @shaun_vids for their video dissecting Joanne's work.

Some people might think it's quite glib to make allusions between the horrific history of antisemitism and transphobia, but I'm not the first to raise the alarms...

...now to address the elephant in the room— no I'm not comparing what trans people are going through to the holocaust. But the idea that genocide is some exceptional aberrant phenomenon is ahystorical even to America, let alone the queer community...

And I think it would be a great disservice to the history of trans people, and the queer community at large, to leave out Magnus Hirschfeld

Now as I said before, what sparked my writing this thread was the transohobic drawing (allegedly by a white Supremacist from 4chan), and how it reminded me of antisemtic art. I've peppered on a few, but here are some more...

...and to drive it home.

My goal in writing this tweet is not to downplay or take away from the horrors of the Holocaust or the crimes of Nazis. My goal is to remind people that we are not exceptional, that bigotry and hate leads to nothing but death, that it can "happen here". And it will if we let it.

This post is dedicated to Brianna Ghey
#BriannaGhey #RestInPride

This is the part of the article I meant to post**

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