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Feb 18, 2023, 8 tweets

#Mahashivratri is the day to celebrate an eternal phenomenon which is depicted in the marital union of bhagavān Shiva with Sridevi Parvathi - kalyāṇaṃ or the wedding of the cosmic divine couple reveals the eternal cause behind all causes of creation.

The return of the seer back to his completeness,the union of the seer with the seen,when the seen becomes known to the seer. Seen is śakti and the seer is śiva, & both were always one without a second. During creation,śakti appears as separate from the inert yet conscious

aspect of the Divine which is śiva and expands the entire creation out of her divine play. The seed of śiva is evoluted in a magnificent creation by devī's womb. She births the entire matter within a space & time with her energy and awareness of this eternal śiva tatva, the

consciousness of the seer.

As during pralaya, when she dissolves everything back in herself only thing which is spared in creation is the śiva tatva, the eternal seer of śrīdevī's play. As mahā sundarī, she is the Mother principle of existence, the creation of a seer or a

father principle as Maha kamesvara is also through the power of her iccha Sakti. She creates kāmeśvara as śiva, to kindle the erotic desire for a larger creation within her. The eroticism and love within her expand in an enormous creation where she creates every life in the

universe with a double-stranded energy structure of ida and pingala, the energy and life reservoirs within every being as manifestations of puruṣa & prakṛti or śiva & śakti. So everything is sprouted in creation with the iccha of Adi parashakti, the primordial cosmic principle

who separates as śiva & śakti principles, the inert conscious and dynamic conscious duality of divine, whose eternal love & inseparable union is celebrated on this day with the grand ceremonial rituals and pujas of kalyāṇaṃ.
#Mahashivratri greeting to all devotees.

śrī mātre namaḥ
oṃ namaḥ śivāya
Instagram: instagram.com/tridentofdurga
#Mahashivratri2023 #mahakal

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