James Melville 🚜 Profile picture
Made in Fife. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Communications and Sponsorship consultant. Campaigner, commentator and pundit. james@eastpointswest.co.uk @NoFarmsNoFoods 🚜

Feb 18, 2023, 8 tweets

Vaccine passports, central bank digital currencies & digital ID are not for our security and convenience. It’s all about government control, power and a reduction in our civil liberties.


It’s the digital identification of everything - money, health, energy and travel. It will be framed as “for your safety and convenience”, but in reality it’s for their control, surveillance, power and greed.


Central Bank Digital Currencies are being quietly piloted in many countries around the world. And when they are fully rolled out, they will be sold to the public as “for our convenience”. Don’t be fooled by the snake oil sales pitch. It’s all about control.

Multifaceted digital ID monitoring and surveillance is not a conspiracy theory. It’s an agenda. It’s not for your convenience. It’s for their control.


All over the world, governments are nudging towards central bank digital currencies. They are not designed for your convenience or security. They are designed for control and financial surveillance. They risk becoming a gateway to social credit systems. We are not China.


China 🇨🇳

Millions of people in China are banned from travelling by plane or train because their social credit rating is too low. The solution? Pay the Chinese government money to raise their social credit rating.

Russell Brand discusses the dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Central Banking Digital Currencies risk becoming a gateway towards social credit systems. This is not a conspiracy theory. It’s already happening. Slowly but surely under the radar. Educate your friends and family about #CBDCs before it is too late.

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