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My pronouns, like Stalin's, are Who vs. Whom. You can order my anthology "Noticing" in paperback for $29.95:

Feb 18, 2023, 8 tweets

CDC: High school boys are suffering from epidemics of sobriety and virginity:…

High school boys are also suffering from a sobriety epidemic:…

Also, while it may not smell like this to me while I'm walking my dog down the street, high school boys report that they are increasingly unbaked:…

In our age of smart phones, social media, wokeness, gender identity liberation, and school closures for covid, high school girls are falling apart:…

Seriously, these trends among girls during the Great Awokening ought to be alarming. Our culture has reorganized itself around what girls on Tumblr were demanding a decade ago, and now a quarter of girls planned to kill themselves in 2021.…

The unhappiest high school students are those who have been cajoled into non-straight sex or into assuming an LGBQ+ identity. And yet our culture continues to promote the LGBT fad among teen girls.…

The Asianification of high school students is becoming a sizable trend, as other races increasingly imitate the behavior of Asian kids:…

The more our culture tells impressionable teenage girls it's fashionable to experiment with non-heterosexual identities, the unhappier they become. The conventional wisdom can only respond: LGBT promotion hasn't failed, it's just not been tried hard enough! We must double down!

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