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Feb 18, 2023, 7 tweets


Blue Lock Episode 19

Blue Lock never manages to fail at delivering suspense and emotional beats be it through directing, seiyuu performance or music. This was abudantly clear during Bachira's backstory and I felt captivated by how it was told to the viewers.

Named after Bachira the episode first wrapped up the recent cliffhanger with use of clever emotional music and tense faces that both showed the egoism of victors and the anguish of fallen. The scenes felt reminiscent of what the titular Bachira had experienced in the past.

For some the bigger shook may have been who got picked but others could very well may have gotten a cricial hit witnessing the harsh words of Nagi towards his dear friend, thou ruthless and cold they may be, what ultimately has to occur is self reflection and ability to grow.

Its kind of hilarious to see the tone shift so drastically from intense match last week to know witnessing short but meaningful interactions between new members. Its kind of refreshing. The music that played throughout gave a certain feeling to it. I loved transition to Bachira.

Dramatic and superficial it may look with Monster that Bachira wished to play with but the delivery of backstory through his mom's narration that supported her child and understood was a welcome addition or rather it did not occur to me while reading manga that it was his mother.

It may look silly or even weird but such way of presenting character's resolve and motivation is perfectly fitting for Blue Lock. There is no stop the excitement and anticipation that it brings not to mention the bonds that these players may forge with newly met people.

And now the time has come to retrieve Bachira from Rin's grasp. The match that would solidify Isagi's resolve. The encounter that would tell Bachira which one's the real monster. The person able to keep up with him, share the same passion and craze for a sport he deeply loves.

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