LEGENDARY J.O.E Profile picture
Golden pen with the ink from the gods, silver tongue forged in Yonder, I'm a Gift that won't stop Giving. SHALL I BEGIN? SA to the Speaker HOR on New Media.

Feb 19, 2023, 10 tweets

1. Jesus rarely got angry in all his 33 years of adventure in this world already corrupted by sin & enough to make even Saints lose their morals. He survived d treacherous trickery of d Devil himself in d Judaean Desert while keeping his cool.

D campaign of calumny by d pharisees and sadducees, involving one he was almost stoned, but the Lamb of God quietly escaped. However, he lost his cool when he entered the temple and saw traders buying and selling. Jesus d Christ threw caution to d wind, jumped out of saintly

-character and whipped the living daylight out of those scoundrels saying "My house shall be called d house of prayer, but you have turned it to a den of thieves" should Jesus return now and see d stench in his house, he would probably shoot them as prayers are said for a fee and

-prophecy (or gamble if u like) at a premium.
2. "The candidate whose name is in the Bible would win" Pst Chris. There's nothing unique in this template, it's been used before. Prof Oyewole, an Indian trained parapsychologist predicted d 1979 elections that d winner has his name

-in d Bible. D great Zik leaped for joy as his baptismal name was Benjamin, definitely he was d one. But d Great Awo too felt entitled, his baptismal name was Jeremiah and if anyone ranks both characters in d Bible, Jeremiah should be General being a prophet and Benjamin should

-be Lt. Col, being brother to Joseph shouldn't earn u a seat at d table na, haba! D election held and both Jere d prophet and Benji d son of Jacob lost, and d one who won wasn't even a Christian at all, Shehu Shagari d Alhadji 😆 But trust me, you can't shame d shamless, Oyewole

-never admitted he was wrong, instead he said, Shagari also featured in d Bible as Shamgar 😆. I would have thought Mr. Chris would have d decency to 1st apologize for d 5G Farce before attempting another gamble, alas, one can't shame d shameless. This election isn't for the

-position of d Pope whose Government (Theocracy) must be based on d Bible. We are going out later this weekend to elect d President of Nigeria, whose Government shall be based on d Constitution which identifies Nigeria as a secular nation and names of persons don't get dropped.

I am Legendary-Joe, I identify as a Christian and a student of the Bible and I would never vote BAT to be General Overseer of my ministry but I would be voting Tinubu and Shettima to lead this nation. For in them I see Competence, Capacity, Courage and a history of Track Record.

Good Morning BATists and Happy Sunday. It's instructive that d only fellows Christ got mad at were Traders....Just Saying 😆.

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