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Hi! AUs on pinned. Mimo au at @nadahyos_ profile.

Feb 20, 2023, 13 tweets

A #minayeon Social Media Au

Mina has a plan and, definitely, no remorse towards whoever gets in the way of it.

What will she do when the only thing getting in the middle are her feelings?


Mina has had enough of the little chances life has decided to give her... so now she's taking them by force.

With a plan to infiltrate the upper society of Korea and scam everyone that looks her way, what could go wrong?


Rich since birth, unattainable as you can get. Nayeon represents everything you'd expect from the absurdly rich side of the country.

After being cut off by her parents undying form of love, money, she has resorted to what she does best in order to survival... Lie.


Sana had to make a lot of sacrifices as Mina's older sister, but she would gladly do it again if it meant they both could get to take revenge on the people that made her life hell.

Jihyo has been their friend for longer than they can remember, their ride or die.


If someone can get Nayeon it definitely isn't Jeongyeon or Momo but they try hard enough. All three of them form the nightmare of Korea's upper class... but what can you really do against them with all that money?


Not close enough to the devilish trio to be involved in their issues, not far enough to not know that they need to stay away from them... can they do that?

New au! I hope y'all can enjoy it.

Thank you very much to @nayeonivy for commissioning the au and making the edit and the profiles of it, don't they look so pretty?

Let me know what y'all think of this

Remember I have a telegram chat in which I tell everyone everytime I post an update, it's like a reminder for those who want it.

Everyone is welcomed to it if you want to join!





first update :))

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