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Feb 20, 2023, 18 tweets

F-strings in Python : The ultimate usage tips ⚡

F-strings in Python are a concise and powerful way to format strings. You can include any valid Python expression inside the curly braces in an f-string.

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#Python #programming

To use an f-string, just prefix your string with the letter "f".

Here's an example that uses an f-string to format a variable:


You can use f-strings to format numbers as well. Here's an example that formats a floating-point number with two decimal places:

2/16 #Python

You can also use f-strings to format dates and times. Here's an example that formats a datetime object:


F-strings can also include conditional expressions. Here's an example that uses a conditional expression to format a string:


F-strings also support string interpolation for objects that have a __str__ or __repr__ method. Here's an example that formats a custom object:


You can use f-strings to format dictionary values as well. Here's an example that formats a dictionary:


F-strings can also include expressions with function calls. Here's an example that uses the len() function:


F-strings can also include arithmetic expressions. Here's an example that adds two numbers:


F-strings can include expressions with ternary operators. Here's an example that uses a ternary operator to format a string based on a boolean value:


F-strings can include expressions with file I/O. Here's an example that reads a file and formats the contents using an f-string:


You can use f-strings to format values with custom formatting functions. Here's an example that formats a date using a custom formatting function:


You can use f-strings to format complex objects like dictionaries with nested keys. Here's an example that formats a nested dictionary:


You can use f-strings to format and align tabular data. Here's an example that formats tabular data using f-strings:


Using f-strings to write data to a file with a filename variable:
This example uses an f-string to display the number of bytes that were written to the file, as well as the filename itself.


With f-strings, you can format strings quickly and easily with a minimum of fuss.

Give them a try and see how they can make your code more concise and readable!


That's all for this thread. Hope you loved these quick code snippets on f-strings.

If you did, follow me for more snippets on python : @TheGeekyB0y

I post about #Python and #javascript .

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