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Feb 21, 2023, 107 tweets

why I believe that the #cancelpercy claims are a bunch of bullshit- a thread 🧵 🪡

#PercyHynesWhite #percyisinnocent

so I’m keeping the focus on percy’s 4 main accusers- aries, kay, karis, and desiree. these are the girls who started the #cancelpercy hashtag and they’ve been lauded for their bravery in “exposing their r*pist.” but NONE of these girls have actually accused percy of r*ping them.

aries says he groped her at a party, but clarified he did NOT r*pe her, kay says he said mean things to her and sexually harassed her friends, karis claims to be a victim of him but won’t say what he did, and desiree is blaming percy for what SOMEONE ELSE did to her at a party.

and now i’ll talk about why i don’t believe them, starting with karis. karis says she’s a victim of percy but won’t say what he “did to her”. i’m not asking for gruesome details, but a simple 1 or 2 word description would help us to know what he did and why we’re cancelling him.

now, karis claims to have proof of percy “confessing” to his crimes- but WHAT is he confessing to, exactly? when you actually read the messages there is NOTHING about r*pe or sa mentioned in the text. just karis saying she was hurt bc he played with her feelings- twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

and made her think they were a couple when they weren’t. basically she’s mad about being friendzoned. and the fact that karis is like “you want me to scroll to the top😂?” umm YES? if there was r*pe/sa mentioned and he was confessing to it, there’s NO WAY i would leave that out?

it was also very SNEAKY AND MANIPULATIVE the way kay said this was percy “admitting” to what he’d done, CROPPED OUT the part where Karis said “you made me think we were actually together but to you it didn’t mean anything.” notice the difference between pic 2 and 3 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

pic 2 in the above tweet is the screenshot kay posted, and pic 3 is the one that karis posted. notice how the one kay posted makes it look like percy was confessing to a crime. kay says “we have no reason to lie.” but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re telling the truth 💀

a very interesting thread if you want to learn more about karis

now kay claims to have “proof” of percy having sex with a 14 y/o girl. there are a few problems with this “proof.” 1) these messages could have been sent by literally anyone. 2) twitter needs to learn that accusations via anonymous text messages are not the same thing as evidence

the fact is that it’s just some random anonymous person saying “we fucked.” and btw, “we fucked” makes it sound like it was consensual. and even if this did happen, we aren’t given a time frame and don’t know how old percy was when this happened, IF it even happened at all.

as @Mmm53512846 points out, percy’s ex lena is mentioned. percy dated her in 2018. so if this “we fucked” incident happened in 2018 then it would not have been a crime as percy was also a minor at the time.

let’s also point out the fact that kay is contradicting herself- she said the “groomed girl” told everyone that she was 16 when she was really 14, but then in the replies she’s saying that this girl never lied about her age. what?? 🤨

now onto the next accusation. desiree claims that percy is guilty for “letting” her get r*ped. i’m not sure how that can be a legitimate charge brought against him, unless he was standing right there as it happened or if he acted as an accomplice.

it is bizarre as fuck to me that desiree seems to be putting 100% of the guilt on percy and trying to cancel percy and not the actual rapist in question. she claimed to not know the rapist’s full name and said he has no social media, but 12 days later she gives us two of his IGs

now maybe it is possible that desiree suddenly remembered rapheal’s name and his social media accounts, but i find it suspicious that she was able to pull up 2 of his instagram accounts- NEITHER of which feature his name, after previously claiming that he HAS NO social media.

and she appears to only be bringing it up now she she can pin it on percy, bc he still follows rapheal on the business account. but that business account hasn’t been active since february 2020. percy was featured on that page in 2019. desiree accused rapheal of r*pe in JULY 2020.

given that the account has not been active for a very long time, it is reasonable to assume that percy may not have given much thought to it. karis was recently called out for following brycen, a known abuser of women.

and then she only unfollowed him AFTER she was called out on it

desiree excuses karis because “we don’t have time in our busy lives to go through our thousands of followers to unfollow people.” oh but you think percy has the time? dude’s been acting since high school, even BEFORE high school. the double standards are ridiculous.

oh but it’s ok to apply the double standard to percy because he is a r*pist- even tho it wasn’t percy who was the r*pist but his friend- and percy is guilty for letting it happen- and he’s also guilty by association and that’s why we’re cancelling him.

i also just wanna add that it’s SO FUCKING WEIRD that karis was like “it’s none of your business” who the rapist is. so you want us to cancel percy for guilt by association, but you wanna protect the name of the actual rapist? make it make sense!!

now speaking of double standards and guilt by association, these girls tried very hard to make percy guilty by association bc he was friends with brycen. but it backfired bc 2 of these girls got called out by their locals for DEFENDING AND PROTECTING AN ABUSER.

in fact, desiree didn’t just protect and defend brycen. she actively BULLIED and PHYSICALLY THREATENED brycen’s victims when they spoke out. it’s also important to note that desiree only apologised AFTER being exposed on twitter and she didn’t fully own up to everything she did.

even more receipts of her being called out by her locals for defending an abuser. desiree tries to make herself look pitiable & also contradicts herself by saying “i couldn’t believe what he did” and then saying “i always knew he was a horrible abuser” in the next sentence. 💀

and guess who else ADMITTED to defending an abuser? kay, the self proclaimed VOICE for victims! but it’s ok tho, she gets an excuse and desiree gets an excuse because they we’re “lonely” and “manipulated.” but percy doesn’t get the same grace for just wanting to hear both sides.

i also want you to see these tweets together. desiree basically accuses percy of running a shelter home for r*pists. meanwhile desiree got called out for sheltering an abuser- the exact same thing she ACCUSES percy of doing. 🤡

and then we have aries, who likes to think of herself as the real life wednesday addams.
she claims that percy groped her at a party in 2017, admits there’s no proof she was ever at his party, and she will cuss you out and call you a stupid vile c*nt if you don’t believe her.

a few takeaways if we are to believe her story: percy was a known p3do and rapist ever since he was a child. he hosted parties just so he could r*pe people and EVERYONE knew about it, even aries knew about it, but she decided to go to that party anyway + bring her 16 y/o friend

it’s also notable that aries’s friend (who was forced to babysit her while she got high) would apparently rather hang out with a notorious r*pist at a party than her. 💀

aries was also able to remember everything that happened at that party despite the fact that she was both drunk AND overdosing. a NORMAL human would be blacking out and/or hospitalised at that point. but aries must have some kind of superpower to remember everything + not d!e.

aries isn’t sure when the alleged assault happened, it was either summer or winter (she doesn’t remember if it was hot or cold outside basically). the only problem with that is the fact that percy was in atlanta filming “the gifted” at the time she said the assault happened.

just wanna leave this here because this was percy at age 16 when aries claims that he was throwing parties so he could r*pe everybody. and he was also apparently all over her, DESPERATE to have s*x with her as well. 🙄

aries really wants you to know that she’s been called wednesday her whole life. she thinks it’s very important thing to mention while accusing someone of r*pe and SA. she even does her hair like wednesday with the braids. she is DESPARATE to be seen as the irl wednesday addams.

and she has this heartbreaking story about how she was “sick to her stomach” unable to watch the netflix show because of percy. but there’s just 1 problem. she forgot to delete her posts that made it very clear that she WAS watching the show when it came out.

her main complaint about the show had nothing to do with percy, and there is no way she would have known about the dynamic between wednesday and her mom, or the dynamic between wednesday and enid, if she hadn’t watched the show.

it wasn’t until december 9 that aries voiced issue over the fact that percy was in the show. that was a whole TWO WEEKS after aries had first posted about the show. when percy and jenna’s romcom was announced, aries said she needs him gone from the world.

also if you’re wondering why the dates look backwards it’s because i live in england where the dates are written as day/month/year as opposed to month/day/year as the americans write it. so yes that tweet was posted on december 9, NOT september 12. just wanna make that clear.

anyway, so THEN, 2 days later, this reddit post surfaced on december 13, talking about “the person who caused my trauma is now on a netflix show” and it was later “revealed” to be percy. interestingly, however, the updates saying it was percy have now been deleted.

now i don’t know who made the reddit post but i STRONGLY SUSPECT it was karis. the way she talks about how percy traumatised her but won’t say what he did (spoiler alert, he friendzoned her, see 2nd pic). it also uses the same lovey-dovey (manipulative) language that karis uses.

now back to aries, who was caught sending aggressive, threatening messages on instagram.

now aries admitted that it was indeed her instagram account (ariesbrunelle) and that she did send those messages, but she denies ever threatening angie. but “so i suggest for your safety you back the f*ck up and back out before i find your address” sounded pretty threatening 💀

the DUPLICITY of aries can be further seen here. on january 19 she tweeted that she doesn’t condone telling percy to k*ll himself, then THE NEXT DAY she liked a tweet saying “I hope percy k*lls himself and records it.” I took a screen recording in case she tries to deny it later. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

and i know people are gonna defend her by saying “well i would like a tweet about someone who SA’d me k*!!ing himself” but that’s really not the point here. the point is that she is being deceitful, manipulative and two-faced.

the fact that aries claimed she knew him since grade 9 but also says she DIDN’T know him, that she says she wishes she remembers more of high school but they didn’t go to the same school, that she didn’t know him but still knew where he lived

(but obviously didn’t know that he was living in atlanta at the time she said he assaulted her, and btw, here’s more proof that percy was living in atlanta and karis was pissed about being friendzoned)

and of course aries didn’t know percy in high school but SHE KNEW that he was a “disgusting rapey fuckboy creep” (but she went to his party anyway) and knew that he hated acting sm… so much that he still does it as an adult. and she knew ALL about his sex life too.

also just wanna point out that the person replying to aries saying “i can 100% confirm you’re telling the truth babes” and “i remember this so clearly” has a new song to promote so. GRAIN OF SALT is all i’m saying.

some old resurfaced tweets of aries saying you can’t accuse people without proof, and saying “people will bandwagon anything for clout.” which is extremely fucking ironic given the current situation.

the fact that aries simultaneously claims to have tons of evidence but also no proper proof but also “a whole thread of proof pinned to my account.” 🥴

the fact that aries swears she doesn’t care about clout but then makes it obvious that she does. her and her little friend kay have made it pretty clear that this is all fun and games for them. bragging about taking him down, joking about who’s getting cancelled next. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

the fact that aries claims she’s SCARED of getting sued but then makes all these other tweets about how she can’t wait for percy to sue her bc then she can actually “get his ass” and then talks about waiting to hear from some “dumb pr b*tches.” she takes this so seriously bruhhh.

aries claims that she’s lawyered up now and that she has enough evidence to take to court, but she’s waiting for percy to make the first move. which makes ZERO sense. if you’ve got so much evidence now, as you claim, then why sit on it? you’re trying to PROSECUTE him for a CRIME.

also, full disclosure, i DON’T believe that aries has lawyered up. any good lawyer with a lick of common sense would have told her to STOP posting shit on social media, bragging about taking down percy, getting into fights with people, etc, because it only hurts her case.

also, you would THINK that someone who is apparently SO SCARED of being “sued into poverty” would be more careful about spreading around nudes of a person and BRAGGING about it. and the fact that she’s seriously trying to GASLIGHT us now by saying she never posted his nudes. WTF.

aries also contradicts herself AGAIN by saying these photos were sent to “a little girl.” when it was previously stated that he sent it to a group chat. and the one minor who “verified” that he was in a gc with percy said there were never any nudes sent. 🤷🏻‍♀️

paolalmaoo also clarifies that they are not a victim and that percy did not try to meet up with them. they just claim to have proof of percy saying inappropriate things in a group chat with minors. “my panties are wet.” but there is CONTEXT missing.

like for example, if one of the minors had sent a photo of themselves and percy had said “my panties are wet” THAT would be inappropriate. but in this convo they are talking about noah beck, a tik tok influencer. and percy joked that his panties are wet, because he’s hot.

and the fact that these kids (or at least just one of them) is making a big deal about how inappropriate this was to say to a group of minors just shows what prudish little babies the upcoming generation are. bc i remember joking about much worse in middle school and high school

like the same minors that will talk about wanting to s*ck an adult celebrity’s **** are complaining about an adult making a “my panties are wet” joke and i’m sorry but i cannot take y’all seriously. if anyone in the gc was uncomfortable with a joke they could have left the gc.

anyway, percy’s AGE in the nude pics has been contested but he was definitely a teenager. and no matter his age it’s NOT OK and it’s a LITERAL CRIME to be spreading around nude photos of someone without their consent. nice ableism, by the way, kay.

but there are other photos being spread around in which he is most DEFINITELY a minor by this disgusting account that is watermarking the photos. censorship was added by me bc that gross account (which i can only assume is a sock account by one of the 4 girls) showed too much

“guilty until proven wrong” yeah that’s not how it works you gross POS and also why the hell are you WATERMARKING n*de pictures of a CHILD?

and this is where i get REALLY angry and disgusted with the wednesday fandom, because there is NO FUCKING WAY they would bodyshame a female victim of revenge p0rn like this. they are more concerned with what a “bad kid” percy was and not the fact that these photos were leaked.

oh and guess who else was sending n*des to people as a minor? miss “i sent you nudes, plz respond.” but i know she’d be very upset if her own n*des got leaked. but when it happens to percy it’s “justice.” this is aries version of justice, btw. spreading child p0rn.

and i do hope that justice will be served in this case


UPDATE: looks like desiree is still follows brycen on facebook. i guess that “apology” she offered to his victims (that she only gave after being called out) wasn’t sincere after all.

also just want to point out that these girls say they tried to go to law enforcement about these allegations, that multiple people they know tried, but the police didn’t do anything. therefore they have no choice but to post the accusations on twitter along with the hashtag.

but the thing is, we have not seen any EVIDENCE that any of these girls tried to contact law enforcement or a lawyer. now even if the police don’t want to do anything, they could still provide evidence that they filed a police report, take screenshots of emails sent, etc.

and even if you don’t have any old police reports from the first time you tried, why not try again? especially now since aries claims they have “tons of evidence now” and more people coming forward.

if you can gather evidence that you all tried to report a crime about a famous serial r*pist and the toronto police force did nothing you’ll literally have a whole NETFLIX DOC on your hands, so idk why you’re sitting on all the “evidence” you claim to have. jk, i know why.

it’s always “one of my moots” or “someone i know” and these nameless, faceless other people who she talks about being “victimised” by percy. like these two accounts who popped up to accuse percy and then deleted their tweets.

also some interesting facts about “daisey” aries’s friend who supposedly corroborates her story. daisey claims she was “wary” of percy in 2020 bc he was on a list of predators, but daisey was also seen making heart eye emojis at him in 2020. via @taninaheenmani

also guess who has been promoting her onlyfans in the midst of all this? the one who claims she has nothing to gain and no reason to lie. 😂

it’s also hilarious that she tried to drag someone for having an onlyfans, meanwhile she’s using the clout and attention that the CANCEL PURRCY trend gave her to promote her OF.

kay she posted this message that she sent to percy, and used his lack of a response as proof that he’s guilty. “i can tell u who u need to contact for this shit to end” sounds like an extortion attempt. 💀 “an apology would be nice” I thought you were accusing him of SA?

aries and kay in particular seem really desperate to get percy’s attention. they keep saying that percy’s silence is proof of his guilt, and all of their supporters are agreeing. i have a few things to say about this.

if percy has lawyers involved (and he probably does) they would have advised him to keep quiet. not only so that he doesn’t say anything that could potentially damage his case (as the girls accusing percy have already done to themselves) but it also appears that they are just

letting the girls talk because the more these girls keep talking the more holes and inconsistencies are appearing in their stories. and that’s exactly what they’re doing. aries recently changed percy’s age while accusing him on someone else’s behalf.

2 of the girls were bragging on tik tok, another one basically showed us that she was upset about being friendzoned, and 2 of them got publicly called out for defending an abuser and harassing his victims. it’s like the more these girls keep talking, the more they discredit their

own stories. so if you wonder why percy isn’t talking, the short answer is, he doesn’t NEED to. another important point is that if percy DID talk, the same people would simply call him a liar. they would say that percy felt threatened enough by the accusations to deny them.

either way, he couldn’t win in the eyes of people who are determined to see him as guilty. @angelicpercy and @skeletonwebz sum it up perfectly what would happen if he did speak out.

also, as i said before, it is very clear that aries and kay want to get his attention. they WANT to drag him into a social media war and force him into a defensive position. percy isn’t taking their bait, and you know it is absolutely KILLING their egos that he isn’t responding.

“lmao who’s faking screenshots?” i’m SO GLAD you asked because there are other accusers that have come out of the woodwork with their “evidence.”

so a while back someone posted a screen recording showing how easy it would be to create fake text messages and then make it look like the sender’s name is percy white. i think it’s important to remember this before looking at this next “victim.”

so this person popped up a few days after the initial allegations started and claimed to be a grooming victim of percy. she also claims to have sent text messages to the police and says that there is an ongoing investigation.

seems legit, right? well not exactly. @deadsociety0 noticed that the original recipient’s name has been drawn over and replaced. you can tell because it looks like a dark blob around 911. i tried it myself with the original ss. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

but i’m sure her story is believable, right? look at her messages. (and try not to laugh at this wattpad mess).

and then we have a completely marked out photo. uhhhh huh. sure. very believable.

even more 💀

yeah, why would you lie? even tho it’s obviously edited. the absolute clownery 🤡

and then a few weeks later we have another “gr00ming victim” who emerged, very similar to the other one i just showed you.

and i don’t mean to be rude, but like… her messages look like a dumb 14 year old who is flunking her remedial english class… talking to herself. it actually gave me a headache trying to read this sh*t.

and her screenshots were obviously edited too. so there you go kids, this is exactly why you don’t just blindly believe everything you read on the internet.

there seems to be alot of manipulated evidence being presented in this case. for example, a photo of percy with his ex gf goofing around and having fun had the girl’s face blurred so it looked like she was a helpless young girl who was forced onto percy’s lap. 💀

another example of manipulated evidence: that viral video going around claiming that jenna was SO UNCOMFORTABLE around percy and was pulling away from him. but the UNEDITED footage showed she did not push percy away. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

the fact that percy’s mother liked a tweet about him being a horrible kid was used as irrefutable proof that percy is a r*pist. however the original tweeter clarified that she was NOT talking about percy being a s*x offender.


well actually he was quoting his script for a role he was playing 💀 proof can be seen here

and here

and it is very INTERESTING to me how Percy antis wanna jump down his throat for using a slur FOR A ROLE in a rehearsal video YEARS ago but refuse to call out miss “promoting her OnlyFans while accusing someone of SA” Kay for using the r slur a MONTH ago

and the tweet is still up on her page, she hasn’t apologised for her ableism and no one in the “cancel percy” camp has called her out on it, OH BUT IF IT WAS PERCY YOU WOULD BE ALL OVER IT!!

update: “one of my moots” has created their own fake ss to show how EASY it is to go on twitter and claim that percy gr00med you as a minor.

update: some important information on aries

another one tries it… and fails 💀 🤡 🤭

IMPORTANT THREAD regarding legal stuff, the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” as a law worldwide, what “believe women” really means, and how silence is NOT proof of guilt.

I see “i’d rather believe a potential liar than a potential rapist” getting used a lot in this case but here’s my problem with that line of thinking. mainly because people use it as an excuse to not have to do any research or thinking beyond that

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