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I identify as TransFormer my Pro-Nouns are Optimus/Prime

Feb 21, 2023, 20 tweets

𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑻 1 𝑺𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑺 𝑻𝑯𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫: How a Wealthy Billionaire is influencing local politics playing shell games in collaboration with elected officials in @austintexasgov

In 2015 @ATXJustice launched as a grassroots, activist-led organization. On the surface it emulated what every normal citizen could stand behind and support.

They grew little momentum over the years and didn't really become a major player in city politics until 2020 when they teamed up with @GregCasar to push zero racial disparity in traffic stops and use-of-force incidents by Austin police officers.…

2020 was the same year that Austin Justice Coalition received major funding. Their primary benefactor a progressive New York Billionaire @georgesoros with a $765,000 donation from his @OpenSociety Fund

Some time between March & April of 2020 "grassroots" vanished from their site

#GeorgeSoros was also the prime benefactor behind @JosePGarza election for @DATravisCounty pouring $652,000 into his left-wing Texas Justice & Public Safety PAC…

Soros funds campaigns for other Police Abolitionist like

DA San Francisco's @chesaboudin
DA Chicago's @KimFoxx
DA Los Angeles @GeorgeGascon
DA Philadelphia @DA_LarryKrasner

These cities have seen surges in crime due to their soft-on-crime approach & anti-police rhetoric.

I'll cover all the DA's in another thread....

The Second major donor to #AJC in 2020 was the Texas Fair Defense Project (@FairDefense) who was founded by Andrea Marsh in September 2005.

Between March 2004 - Sep 2005 she worked for @ACLUTx where she received the Soros Justice Fellowship to launch #TexasFairDefenseProject

Soros has donated over $22,389,530.00 to the Tide Foundation (@TidesCommunity) which bankrolls Soros Network nonprofits and left-wing organizations.…

7 other top donors to #AJC are connected to the Tides Foundations:

Connecting Soros to $1,263,225 of the total donations received by the Austin Justice Coalition reaching a whopping 80% of their total funding.

Now the city claims they don't provide any funding directly to Austin Justice Coalition.

This is true, they just do it indirectly.

The #AustinCommunityFoundation donated $56,490 to #AJC but has received $9,017,411.60 from the city tax dollars.

We gave Austin Community Foundation $238,205.13 out of the Austin Water utility operating fund to pay for event planning services

and over $80,000 for Art.

All the while we've had crumbling infrastructure and 5 boil water notices in 4 years.

The Jewish Community Foundation Aka @shalomaustin donated $25,000 to #AJC while receiving $131,285.10 for "art/artists"

@CapitolViewArts donated $11,127, but has received $394,953 in taxpayer dollars for art/artists

The @FairDefense also received money from #ATXcouncil totaling $50,000 for education/training consulting

Bringing a grand total of $92,617 the city of Austin has donated indirectly to Austin Justice Coalition.

While city council states they don't provide preferential treatment. If you follow the money it says otherwise.

Next Thread we cover @EquityActionATX

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