Ranjna Rajeev Raina Profile picture
Writer #EyesWideOpen #TirangaInKashmir

Feb 21, 2023, 25 tweets

#Jamaat and #HizbulMujahideen established themselves as the biggest beneficiaries of the genocide of minorities from Kashmir. They grabbed and occupied plush houses and prime lands belonging to the #KashmiriHindus …a small thread…

The encroachments of land of pandits had begun well before 1990 … the use of force by their own neighbors is not ruled out… maximum number of buyers later of Pandit property are associated with militancy as close connected with the conflict.

JeI and HM in 1990 that property of the Pandits would be regarded as Bait-ul-Maal (Common property for Islamic Jihad) after the freedom of Kashmir.. decreed that because this was Bait-ul-Maal, no one was allowed to purchase any type of property from Kashmiri Pandit…

This turned out to be a big hoax. Bait-ul-Maal... In the years that followed, the local units of Hizbul Mujahideen ordered that if anyone wanted to purchase P andit property, he would have to seek the permission of the local HM commanders beforehand..

Kashmiris who were associated directly or indirectly with Jamaat e Islmai or Hizbul Mujahideen, it was very easy to seek the permission of the militant commanders to buy Pandit property.. restricted only to the members and sympathizers of HM and JeI.

This was rare case in history property exchanged hands not at the price fixed by the seller..but sold at the price fixed by the buyer.. overwhelming majority of cases, the Pandits did not have any choice.z. Distress sale of Pandit properties was happening all over Kashmir..

if they do not sell their properties, it would be grabbed sooner or later, and they would get nothing for it. The common Kashmiris had no option but to watch this tamasha. They were – and they continue to be – helpless before the terrorist organisations controlled by Pakistan

JeI and HM members remained busy buying assets of the Pandits and building properties for their children. Those heading the erstwhile state governments remained mute spectators to the gun power wielded by the terrorists and the close collaboration of JeI and HM in this loot.

The property left behind by the Pandits was used by the terrorists to collect money. It was done in this way. Agricultural land belonging to Pandits was allotted to neighboring farmers on the understanding of half share in produce and profit…

For example, one Kanal of land was given to someone and it produced two quintals of rice. Out of this, one quintal share to the terrorists from the same village or outside.. a convenient strategy for Jamaat and its Hizbul to grab the land and property belonging to the Pandit

some functionaries of the state government were biased in favour of the militants. These officers used the community land belonging to the Pandits for the construction of buildings that benefited the Muslim population…

Like Ahle-Islam, the religious land of Muslims, the religious land of Pandits is Ahle-Hanood..Muslim-majority governments in Jammu & Kashmir was ignoring illegal sale of Hindu temples properties…

Dharmarth Trust headed by Dr Karan Singh locked up an ancient and historical temple Ramjee of Barbar Shah. This was the first time in its known history that the temple had been locked...

Read more at: organiser.org/2008/03/09/370…

Pandits had alleged that some people in the Dharmarth Trust management sold off the property of the temple, valued at Rs 300 crore.. In fact, some of them allege that the property was sold to influential Muslims..

Sale of DAV School in Rainawari by one Roshan Lal Raina who was just a teacher in that school but turned into a broker endorsed by social activist Shri Sas. Pandits allege that the sale took place at the behest of an influential official attached to Police, J&K.......

In 2013 then minister of state revenue Aijaz Khan admitted that state had 448 temples and land attached to them was 210 acres and that there was no encroachment of these temples.. unbelievable as scrap..

The statement of minister was intentional to grab more ahlehanood land… how was it possible that only only 210 acres of land was attached as temples while more than 85 acres of land belonged to one Uma Nagri temple in district Anantnag ..

Estimate as per records held with pandits and as per the book written by MK Bhat .. there should be at least 5000 acres of land as Ahle Hanood with govt..

Acres of prime land to Mahavir Ji temple in Srinagar and owned by the Sanathan Dharam Pratap Sabha sold off, by a leading Jammu businessman who claims to head the trust. The sale has gone through flouting the Migrant Immovable Properties Act that puts a lid on distress sale.

After the mass exodus of Kashmiri pandit… temple trusts and some non-state priests have taken control of Rs 10,000 crore worth temple assets in the state. CNN-IBN investigations reveals some trusts have not even held elections to their governing bodies for 20 years.

Temple land where hundreds of houses have mushroomed up were sold at throwaway prices after the so-called trust keepers enjoying official patronage ensured total vandalism of the religious properties…

With failure of State Government in bringing Kashmiri Hindu Shrines and Temples Bill there are heydays for various self-styled temple and shrine management committees who have amassed huge wealth over the years by disposing off the shrines and temples properties

The temples and shrines in Kashmir in shambles and been razed to ground over these years encroached by various mafia groups. Even some government agencies at various places have grabbed the Hindu shrines land for construction of government buildings and roads seekin…..

'the land of cremation grounds has also been grabbed over the years and at various places the bridges over the rivers including Jehlum have been constructed by grabbing the land of cremation grounds.

The villages where the land of shrines has been grabbed or sold either by self styled trusts or mafia groups include Bijbehra, Sagam, Vanpooh in Anantnag district. In these three villages even the government agencies have grabbed the shrines land for construction of buildings

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