MazeofDeception (Resist Digital ID) Profile picture
🚨 Don’t fear, stock up & prepare for the upcoming 'cyber-pandemic'! Critical infrastructure will be impacted🚨 Resist Digital ID or your life depends on it!

Feb 21, 2023, 9 tweets

‘Nicola BULLEY’ #NicolaBulley is a fictional DIGITAL IDENTITY generated by ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SOFTWARE using the faces or BIOMETRICS of other people stored on a database or taken from social media platforms. The PHYSICAL IDENTITY never existed. The news mentioned that

Nicola’s disappearance happened in the countryside, which is an interesting setting because it has little to no SURVEILLANCE, but the SMART PHONE was ‘found’ and the so-called investigation began.

Police released PERSONAL DETAILS about ‘Nicola’ to the public following the spread of online SPECULATION AND MISINFORMATION, which could be seen as a form of online BULLYing. Nicola was ‘found’ by a man aged 33.

The MAINSTREAM MEDIA covered this story (or psychological operation depending on your perspective) intensely parallel to the time a DIGITAL IDENTITY #DigitalID open consultation was running, which pretty much confirms this to be a complete distraction from it.

Digital ID uses BIOMETRICS and the user needs a SMART PHONE to use it. Their PHYSICAL IDENTITY becomes digital and physical identification will one day not be accepted to verify who we are.

Digital ID holds PERSONAL DETAILS about the user all in one place and uses ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SOFTWARE to operate. After a convenient worldwide problem occurs, Digital ID will be viewed as the only solution to the public’s reaction.

It’ll be broadcasted relentlessly on the MAINSTREAM MEDIA to increase uptake, though the consultation has had very little to no coverage at the moment in the UK.

We know who’s behind the psychological operation since hints have been dropped in the media - freemasonry master degree number 33. Digital ID leads the way for CBDC which when merged together create a world of overwhelming SURVEILLANCE.

They will work to stop the spread of online SPECULATION AND MISINFORMATION on the internet by restricting or limiting the user. This along with the Online Safety Bill will put an end to online BULLYing but we essentially become Quick Response (QR) CODEs. CRACKED it! #NicolaBulley

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