Bear Jew Profile picture

Feb 21, 2023, 23 tweets

Hey TC community. Today is gonna be @thecannaknitter Thread Day. We will share what we know and what others have shared throughout the day!!!!

#CannaLies #CannaIsPappaRodger
#idaho4 #idahofour #bryankohberger

We already know Justin PAPworth RODRiguez is confirmed Pappa Rodger

Here we have a new fan bringing the facts. My DMs are FULL of stuff like this after @thecannaknitter/Justin/Pappa’s display of blatant lies yesterday.

#CannaLies #CannaIsPappaRodger

We will be doing this ALL DAY today!

@thecannaknitter /Justin/Pappa thinks 121 is SOOOOOO smart


#CannaLies #CannaIsPappaRodger

The @thecannaknitter /Justin/Pappa simps who have been NON STOP attacking this account(all have 4 followers) since we exposed him for being Pappa Rodger think this person is running my account. I feel sorry for this guy getting caught up but shows how bad Justin is at this. 😂

Got this last night WHILE @thecannaknitter /Justin/Pappa was lying through his unbrushed teeth on T&T and the comments were aflame with calling him out even with the mods blocking everything they could. Now we know Justin’s ‘source’ and is no better than a spirit box


And another one.

@thecannaknitter is So BAD at sleuthing and being a ‘White Hat Hacker’ that he has spent the past 24hrs attacking the wrong person. We just got our final details for tonight’s HUGE DROP. Tune In.🤣

#CannaLies #CannaIsPappa
#idaho4 #IdahoFour #bryankohberger #IdahoStudentsSuspect

@thecannaknitter has been parading around the date 02-22-23 because THIS account tweeted a week ago as important. What WAS to be released tomorrow was that Justin/Canna IS Pappa but we were forced to release early due to his antics. Bigger drop tonight!

#CannaLies #CannaIsPappa

SO HAPPY that @thecannaknitter FINALLY decided to change clothes after 3 days of ‘vlogging’ but still hasn’t cleaned up that hoarder basement apartment. Wait for tonight’s drop! Keep fishing on Josh Couch haha. My posts aren’t taken down either. TUNE IN TONIGHT!!

The longer @thecannaknitter attacks pedos and spends his time on Josh Couch the better. Please keep doing what you do Pappa Rodger Justin. We are SO SCARED hahahahaha.

Will someone PLEASE go clean @thecannaknitter’s basement apartment!? Drop off a toothbrush and drop off clean clothes while you’re there!? For being a trans person really doesn’t know the rule about outing people for their sexual orientation…..

#CannaLies #CannaIsPappa

@thecannaknitter says he putting the truth out and isn’t scared but turns comments off on all videos, has his Twitter in safe mode and attacks from alt accounts and uses his simp army.

#CannaLies #CannaIsPappa

Funny that the @thecannaknitter has FINALLY started using physical cover on webcam after our posts last night. He is learning, albeit slowly. Still got some great short movies dropping.

Remember earlier in this thread where we proved @thecannaknitter believes @hardcorehangout is speaking to him in code via tweets!?!? Well @IrishBadAss put this together that proves this further. Doesn’t this sound like all the BS from T&T last night!?

#CannaLies #CannaIsPappa

1 of 2 The 1 thing @thecannaknitter is using to say he has a ‘real source’ and is NOT just interpreting what he thinks are ‘encoded tweets’ is that he volunteered with @hardcorehangout on @PeteButtigieg’s 2020 presidential campaign. We reached out and this is 100% false.

2 of 2 further digging into disbursements of this campaign are publicly available on the website and neither Gerard nor Justin were paid. So neither paid nor volunteers. They did NOT meet on Mayor Pete’s campaign as he claimed before. Another #CannaLies

Poor little @thecannaknitter got out over his skis and now is muted by his source daddy.

#CannaLies #CannaIsPappa

Now for a bunch of SS of poor @thecannaknitter crying to source daddy cause he is shunned AND reversing on his Bs lies from last couple days.

And more simping and crying to source daddy and more lies from @thecannaknitter

Also the realization that T&T clowned the hell outta him for clicks and views.

Omg haha Another swing and a major miss for @thecannaknitter. thinks @Beth0072 is someone I know. Go look at me fighting with her other(now banned) account a couple weeks ago and she got kicked of Twitter for good and now has new account. Not even an associate, much less friend

@thecannaknitter runs multiple businesses from home. weed, THC, Stickers, canna knitting, etc. does the state know he makes income but is on Medicaid and Disability still? Think they want to know!? Well they’re gonna know.

#CannaLies #CannaIsPappa #CannaCrashing

Poor lil @thecannaknitter lost his source daddy and is gettin trolled by @TheCrayfishNews (a Louisiana blogger) who Justin thinks is Moscow PD 😂 and walking back Fry claims as we speak. It’s all crumbling.

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