FashionFiles(1).JPEG | #Balenciaga Profile picture
Researching and Exposing Dark Art that influences our children. Trying to expose the weirdo elites involved with #Epstein & #Balenciaga Scandal

Feb 22, 2023, 9 tweets

After I saw the #Balenciaga scandal I dedicated a month to researching into connections after I saw how these elite use SYMBOLS to say things they normally can't say in public.

#Balenciaga was covered up because of money & powerful influences. #Vetements #DEMNA

-Quick Thread-🧵

1. There is a battle on the innocent souls of the younger generation.

There is a group of rich and wealthy people doing unimaginable stuff to influence children and they tell us with symbols but all normal citizens are to blind to notice and powerless to do anything about it.

2. Now let me prove to you this battle exists. By showing you some examples of the symbols I have caught onto in a couple images of the #Balenciaga campaign.

Note: this was labeled as a "Conspiracy" by the mainstream media

#BAALenciaga #FashionFiles #FashionGate #DEMNA #Kering

3. New York Post caught on to some of the symbols but not ALL of them, and I want to break it down in detail to show you how this designer #Demna chose these very carefully.

An apology is not enough, a full on investigation needs to happen into #Demna & #Balenciaga

4. Let's look at the Caution tape first of all.
Its misspelled as "#BAALenciaga" front and centre, this was on purpose.

Remember #DEMNA is a set designer who wants everything to be perfect for his fashion shoot. To get a incorrect spelt tape is not an accident.
Why not turn it?

5. People might say "an extra A, no big deal"
Well in modern day terminology it means nothing, but if you look back in biblical terms it has a dark and very concerning meaning in Hebrew.
Meet BAAL a deity who people use to sacrifice children to
#BAALenciaga #FashionFiles #Molach

6. Could this be "Just a coincidence?"

No, look in the back corner of the photo.

A red man with horns on his head. That is #BAAL.

Why would he get a child to draw this image?

I had DALLE 2 AI render that drawing image, and the result was shocking.

A devil in a house.

7. Now the Black bird & notice its at adult height. Why?

Let's look at the Symbolic meaning of the black bird & how it relates to the bible.

It represents Temptation/ Sin and represents Satan's offerings.

Weird symbol to place around children.

8. Seeing the symbolic references and meanings?

Lets keep digging so you can see how deep this rabbit hole goes.

Child in Cult hood & cult hood on the ground, This is referenced in a book that was on the backdrop of another photo in the campaign.

Photo Below. #Balenciaga

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