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Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Feb 22, 2023, 16 tweets

A thread in praise of people who do their thing....

@zeno001 @Sexnotgender_ shows up all the weird and wonderful questions that organisations dream up to ask place of sex

@helenstaniland was so dogged in asking this question it was named after her.

@LilyLilyMaynard writes the first draft of history, documenting protests and events

She also sews a mean banner

@sarahstuartxx goes to corporate queer theory events and manages not chew her own arm off

@damekatydenise is fighting #chairpoverty

@troonytoons shows you things you probably don't want to see

@Aja02537920 does it with poetry

@TheFamousArtBR does it with pictures

@STILLTish is a one-woman detective agency

There are women all over the place doing it with ribbons and slates...

@BDimyon has a number she wants to tell you about

@SamBarber1910 documents the missing Twitter accounts (he might get to retire soon!)

@moleatthedoor is a photoshop wizard

@TwisterFilm does the best threads

All these acts of resistance add up.
Resist. Dont comply.

And @tribunaltweets of course!

They have invented a new form of #OpenJustice

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