Michael Griffin Profile picture
reader, thinker, dreamer, storyteller / Humanities Instructor in ATL / #comics #APLitChat #THEBOOKCHAT #NCTEchat #DnD #ttrpgs

Feb 23, 2023, 15 tweets

DAY 1 in Vienna! 🇦🇹 Willkommen in Wien!
#MVInterim2023 #MVInterim #MVEurope2023

Landing in Vienna, students skipped the duty free shops to run to the baggage carousel! Time to freshen up! A full day of sightseeing ahead! #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim #MVEurope2023

First up: meeting our tour director, Emily! #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim #MVInterim2023

A dancer who speaks four languages, we’ve already had lessons in German and Italian!

First stop in Stadtzentrum, and students are learning how to read maps before checking out the Naschmarkt food stalls.
#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

Visiting HundertWasser Haus
#MVInterim2023 #MVInterim #MVEurope2023

Just out and about in Vienna!
#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

#MVInterim2023 #MVInterim #MVEurope2023

More photos from HundertWasser Haus!

A walking tour around the Belvedere Palaces, named for their beautiful views over the city. #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim #MVEurope2023

And now some fun and revelry around the gardens! #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim #MVEurope2023

Hanging out with friends at the Belvedere Palaces! #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

And now dinner at our first Viennese meal @ Herlitschka! And a penguin hotel along the way! #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim #MVEurope2023

Are we tired? Hungry? Dinner people? Dessert people? #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim #MvEurope2023

Topfenstruedel for the win!

Excuse all the typos & grammar errors! We are a tired bunch here. At the hotel for rest and room checks. And I had the chance to go through the DSLR photos. Here's some gems from today's adventure! #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

The gardens in winter, while different, still led to laughter and giggles! @ Belvedere Palaces
#MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

And now...is it too early for lights out? 💤🥱😴

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