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Feb 23, 2023, 6 tweets

David Morgan fantasises about Jewish power a lot.

He seems particularly taken by a conspiracy fantasy from 1846 about the Rothschilds. It was later adopted by the Nazis for their propaganda

But there are lots of racist accounts, so why does this one matter?…

For a start he has almost 80k followers…

His followers and the people amplifying him seem to be a broad range of, whatever it is they are…

And he gets a lot of traction from them.

There is a lot of code words for Jews and a powerful hidden network controlling world events.

Banks, media, New World Order, Great Awakening - you get the picture.…

He talks about “civil disobedience” to free yourself from “enslavement”, from traffic to vaccination.

The uprising is against an enemy with a Jewish face projected onto it.

This is what I would categorise as inciting hate…

Think of it as a mainstream, Qanon influenced soup attracting the disillusioned and distrustful.

They usually end up talking about hidden forces, “international bankers” and the “elite” like they did with #RageAgainstWarMachine

It is an extremely concerning trend.

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