Anusruth Rao Profile picture

Feb 24, 2023, 7 tweets

Keep reading newspaper articles in the US and complain about India. 🥱

On ground, Bharat Rashtra Samithi govt is making changes rapidly under #ManaOoruManaBadi Program. 26,000 schools in 3 phases already first phase is getting done

every district vi pettina Chudu
1/7 Thread 👇

The works undertaken under the #ManaOoruManaBadi programme included toilets installed with water facility, electrification, drinking water supply, adequate furniture for students/staff,


painting the entire school, major repairs, green chalkboards, protective walls, kitchen sheds, new classrooms in place of dilapidated rooms, dining facility (halls) in the high school and arrangements for digital education.


How low can you go to support Modi and the waste of money on Patel statue?
Even after 30 years of BJP rule, their schools and ours cannot be compared.


Change is happening right in front of your eyes but you choose to stay blind.


Telangana is changing its government schools and building statues, what change has Modi gotten that he spent 3000 cr on a statue.


Do follow @ManaOoruBadi and be updated about what happening on the ground


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