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reader, thinker, dreamer, storyteller / Humanities Instructor in ATL / #comics #APLitChat #THEBOOKCHAT #NCTEchat #DnD #ttrpgs

Feb 24, 2023, 15 tweets

DAY 3: Starting with a walking tour of Vienna with Karl, our local guide for this morning.

Nearby is the Vienna City Hall and beginning in the Volksgarten.

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Learning about the Vienna Boys Choir ans important historical figured like Emperor Joseph II

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A highlight of this tour this morning is St. Stephen’s Cathedral.

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And some more shots of students around St. Stephen’s Cathedral.

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Rewind a bit, here’s photos from @NUTINBUTburNET. We got to see the royal horses, learn about crown jewels, & part of what makes Austria so great! The only major European country that didn’t rely on colonization to grow its name, wealth.

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We learned that Austria is the home of RedBull, it’s headquarters in Salzburg, the next major city on pur trip.

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Joseph II in the center of the square, known for many reforms around the country around the time of the French Revolution.
Abolished death penalties &
gingerbread — maybe not the best idea at the time because it helped to fight off some diseases! #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023

Starting at Schloss Schönbrunn a palace of over 1440 rooms. No pictures inside which is a bit of a disappointment. ☹️

Nonetheless, we are all wowed by what we are learning about the history of Vienna and its empire.

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Selfies provided by the students as we had some free time around the gardens surrounding the Schönnbrunn Palace.

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And a little bit of the chaperones with Brynn. And more of the grounds!

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And the girls are rocking it with @NUTINBUTburNET outside the Palace. #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterim

My favorite spot, Taubenhaus!

German lesson on the bus with Emily, the best tour guide ever! She does personalized itineraries for each day, asking the students to complete a challenge!

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Lunch at Ribs — schnitzel and french friend, amazing veggie soup, and apfelstrudel for dessert!
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Next up: WALTZING LESSONS!!! @ Elmayer Tanz-Schuler. First, a lesson on how to move around the room. 💃🏻🕺🏼

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