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Feb 24, 2023, 6 tweets

Beyond the Berlin Border - Restoring Africa's Nations and Civilisations
Despite our struggles, we are still stuck in the 19th century and our souls continue to revolt in rejection of the realities carved by aliens with neither context nor consent.…

The 138th Year in the Era of Oríburúkú
138 years ago, the Berlin Conference destroyed Africa. Our language became a vernacular, and our people were separated from their brothers and sisters across alien borders.
Read below 👇🔥…

Euroasian borders are changing even till now.
Here is illustration of borders dynamism from 1100s to 2012, African borders stopped changing after 1885 except for few from ⚔️. Sovereign Yorùbá Country addresses this.

At the Berlin conference in 1884, states that were supposed to be together were forcefully disintegrated, and states that were supposed to be disintegrated were forcefully united. Africa's political structure is nothing more than a European business plan, and it will remain so.

The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 |NB:The video is only for education purpose. What we have are European countries In Africa not African countries.. While the gatekeepers of Europeans will fight tooth and nail to preserve the borders made by this.

Berlin conference 1884/5 headed by German Von Bismarck, partitioning of Africa.
German colonization and genocide of herero and nema..
Yorùbá People justify Imagbon war, bombardment of Eko and Òyó, 1914 amalgamation, 1885 Berlin conference, 1999 constitution, Nigeria oneness.

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