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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Feb 24, 2023, 17 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 2.24 It's Groundhog day in China

CCTV still echoes Russian media
Russian Defense Ministry footage still dominates
Still no invasion, just a special military operation.
Medvedev says Russia will defeat Ukraine
To support Ukraine is to fan the flames

CCTV viewers have been treated to Russian pyrotechnics at the top of the world news for a year.
The rockets are only shown going up...

...nary a glimpse of the people, schools, trains, factories, and apartment buildings they hit on the way down.

The only real shift in footage in recent months is more coverage of the ground war. Here, a rare glimpse of a Russian solider with rifle slung on back.

Dmitry Medvedev says the West doesn't care about Ukraine, it just wants to weaken Russia, but Russia will persist and emerge victorious

The root cause of the war is NATO.
Western support of Ukraine is prolonging the conflict
(Ukraine didn't roll over as hoped, so it won't be an easy win for Russia)

CCTV's intrepid roving reporter lands an interview with Hungary Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó

US is prolonging the conflict by sending weapons to Ukraine. Weapons don't bring peace, they only extend the conflict.

CCTV rounds up a diverse cast of "international personages" to echo its own line.
(Germany, Brazil, Greece, South Africa)
-Sending weapons into conflict zone a grievous mistake
-US hegemon not at all interested in peace
-Prices going up like crazy
-A lesson for US hegemony!

But the big catch is Seymour Hersh.
(CCTV didn't get the "get" but Russia TV did, and with a no-limits friendship, that's close enough)

Hersh continues to rock the world from his rocking chair in his dimly-lit study in DC

The hot air generated by Hersh's self-published Substack article is of historic proportions.

Another celebrity snag by CCTV is Mick Wallace, a Dublin publican and EU Parliamentary Assembly member, amusing clips of whom have been featured during anti-US news segments before.
This time, CCTV scored the interview in person.
"If it's true, it's terrorism!"

Glowing accolades for Hersh's article continue to be aired on CCTV. Here from an energy specialist in Italy:
"Hersh's report is credible. Destroying an underwater pipe is serious business. It's not just an attack on Russia but all of us."

In other news, in case you missed it, we're going to present that February 3 train wreck in Ohio as if it happened yesterday.

It's so sad. We really care!

The devastation in Ohio has enjoyed generous TV news coverage for three full weeks now because China's media czars really care.

And, in more bad news from the land of hegemony, a fire broke out in Oak Ridge, Tennessee at a uranium processing facility.


And that's it for today!
Zai jian!

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