巴丢草 Bad ї ucao Profile picture
Chinese Australian artist/Award wining cartoonist for @theage @smh /Human rights Activist/DM for signed print & original art /support me on https://t.co/EgToBejuEt

Feb 25, 2023, 9 tweets

1. I am approached for interview by a person impersonating @Reuters journalist @JessiePang0125 today.
Fake journalist even sent me photo of Jessie PRESS ID.
it is likely operated by CCP to crack down China’s telegram dissident community.

This is a thread to reveal the incident.

2. The fake journalist tried approached to me via different platforms including Instagram and telegram.
And the goal is to infiltrate 中国文宣 VOCN @CitizensDailyCN a telegram group spreading protest art.
And i contribute to this group time to time.

3. When i suspect , I asked the fake to verify identity with @JessiePang0125 ‘s checked twitter account.
fake one told me her twitter is not run by her instead sent me press ID.
I dont buy it cus the ID is expired.
So i DM @JessiePang0125 and find out the other one is fake.

4. When i confront the fake,it deleted all conversation from telegram and disappeared.
I manage to grab some screenshot and its unique telegram ID: 1480932955

Very shocking finding and the one who can launch such campaign is likely the national security police from China.

5. This is far from end.
Fake journalist is initially introduced by protester i know from earlier.
I asked where they know fake in the first place.
Which finally leading to another telegram group @accelflopping formed during the #A4revolution 白纸抗议 ——

6. So I followed up and start to contact and warn @accelflopping that in their group, they have a fake @Reuters journalist who is probably a Chinese police.
Their telegram group link :t.me/whitepaperevol…

And it turns out there might be two fake journalists!

7. Interview during the #A4revolution 白纸革命 in China is extremely hard. in order to win trust,it normal to send PREE ID to protesters.
But when protesters got arrested by police,all info from phone will b obtained which gives ccp the way to impersonating journalists.

8. Case is digging deeper.
Another journalist @brendagoh_ ,Shanghai bureau chief @Reuters is also impersonated likely by Chinese police.
Leaked PRESS ID from both @JessiePang0125 and @brendagoh_ are used to fake a whole bureau of @Reuters in order to get to the protesters

9. here is another dissident group's encounter with the same fake journalist.
It lasts quite some weeks and the fake journalist its best to dig private info and future plans of the group.
It matches the Chinese police working pattern.

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