Michael Griffin Profile picture
reader, thinker, dreamer, storyteller / Humanities Instructor in ATL / #comics #APLitChat #THEBOOKCHAT #NCTEchat #DnD #ttrpgs

Feb 25, 2023, 17 tweets

DAY 4 - A second day in Vienna. Today’s itinerary includes a tour of Melk and off to Salzburg! In the morning outside the Danube River Cruise, the students loved the graffiti.

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More photo opps around the boat terminal.

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We are all enjoying some hot chocolate while in the channel heading out to the Danube. Oh, and our phones.

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Ok, let’s admit the students are far better photographers than the chaperones! ☺️😄😅

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And some students even went above deck to capture some pictures of the canal.

And now lunch at Lugeck! Owned by Figlmüller Wein, the most well known company for wiener schnitzel. Don’t mind the very interesting painting in the background.

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Views from outside of Lugeck! And a statue of Johannes Gutenberg outside the restaurant.

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Visiting another place with a no photo policy — Stift Melk — but we found many ways to capture the experience!

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The views from the drive taken by Brynn, one of our many group photographers. Vienna to Melk.

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#MVEurope2023 #MVInterim2023 #MVInterim

At the back of the monastery we’re some stunning views.

We tried to enjoy the photo experience we were given and the stunning views.

Just on the other side of this was a library with 10,000 volumes! 📖📚

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A few more from @NUTINBUTburNET - around Melk and some nice views of the city.

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Trivia on the bus was fairly heated.

It was part of the daily challenge that our tour guide has been hosting.

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Landed in Salzburg safely and did a quick run to dinner at Zipfer-Brau.

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After confessing I was done taking photos at dinner, we walked outside, and it started snowing. #MVInterim2023 #MVEurope2023 #MVInterin 🥶❄️❄️🌨️ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Pictures from @Aschewe24 who stepped outside with our students! So brave given that I know she is freezing! The students are loving the snow! But room checks in 30 minutes! dreißig minuten!

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Guten Nacht from Salzburg!

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