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Feb 25, 2023, 7 tweets

Exhibit 78: #ParentingGate
William and Kate are hands-on parents, who prioritise their children over royal duties, which is praised. Amid rumours Meghan may not attend the Coronation, prioritising her children, particularly Archie, whose birthday is the same day, is bad.

Exhibit 79: #OKRoyalWomenSpecialGate
To celebrate International Women's Day (Feb 2023), OK magazine decided to run a Royal Women special edition. Anyone notice who has been missed out?

Exhibit 80: #VulgarNailColourGate
Apparently pale nail colours are within royal protocol, bold colours are not. Criticism has been made of Meghan's colour choices, which have conspicuously not been made about either Diana or Kate. Let us let them wear whatever colour they like.

Exhibit 80A: #VulgarNailColourGate
The same news outlet with very different reporting on nail colours and royal protocol. Kate "surprises" with her "fashion first" choice, unlike Meghan who is presented as a protocol breaking repeat offender. H/T @AliciaJ1985

Exhibit 80B: #VulgarNailColourGate
Royal protocol is often used as a reason for supposed objective criticism of Meghan. An unwritten set of standards, which can move, like the proverbial goalposts. Here, Kate breaking with tradition is framed positively.

Exhibit 81: #ChildrenFirstGate
Meghan has decided not to attend the Coronation to put her children first. Cameron Walker of GBNews suggests this will have unpleasant consequences for her. Previously and inconsistently Kate was praised for putting her children before royal duties.

Exhibit 82: #StraightHairGate
Sarah Vine says Meghan's recent straight hair is being used as a means to damage the Royal family from afar, despite the fact Meghan has wore the style before, as has Kate. The sneering use of "ambitious" & "uncompromising" betray an obvious bias.

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