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Feb 26, 2023, 6 tweets

Listening to Ps. @NoelLandicho share about #DesignedForRelationships from Matthew 3:13-17… “God is knowable but He is incomprehensible” - by grace we are save through faith and not understanding the Trinity, see also Romans 11:33

Trininatarian Truth #1: God eternally exists as Three Persons #DesignedForRelationships not Modalism… and not Tritheism - Matthew was written for the Jews according to theologians, for Filipinos Matthew 1 is “ma-begat” 😂

Every person in the Trinity possesses the Aseity of God yet on their own initiative chose to reach out to humanity - @noellandicho #DesignedForRelationships

Trinintarian Truth #2: Each of the Three Persons are full God and are co-eternal and co-equal - @noellandicho hat-tip to @waynegrudem #DesignedForRelationships

God does not waste words - The Magi worshipped Jesus even as a child as narrated in Matthew that theologians think are addressed mainly for a Jewish audience - @noellandicho #DesignedForRelationships

Trinitarian Truth #3: There is One God - God’s action: God is consistent, Relational Lesson: aspire to maintain unity - @noellandicho #DesignedForRelationships

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