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Feb 26, 2023, 17 tweets

Listening to Ps. Joel Chelliah at @favor_mnl on #FindingFreedomFromLust

Lust - an ungodly desire - Joel Chelliah #FindingFreedomFromLust to use others to gratify themselves instead of being sacrificial

Lust - a desire for something forbidden - Joel Chelliah - Genesis 3:1-6 (NIV)… #FindingFreedomFromLust there is a 5-step process

Step 1 of 5: The Introduced Thought - the thought didn’t come from/begin from you as if it was yours - if you’re disgusted by it - it isn’t from you and sent to make you a) guilty/shameful b) change the way you see God c) change the way you see yourself #FindingFreedomFromLust

Step 2 of 5: Entertained Thought - flee from youthful lust, “when tempted, flee” 2 Timothy 2:2 (NLT)… “Only the arrogant stay and play” - Joel Chelliah #FindingFreedomFromLust

Step 3 of 5: Meditated Thought - you start researching and analyzing - from not touching the fruit to thinking it is good - #FindingFreedomFromLust

Step 4 of 5: The Justified Thought - think generationally, whatever decisions make will affect the next generation - there is a generational anointing in your life,

Step 5 of 5, the Thought leads to Acting on it #FindingFreedomFromLust

The enemy is a liar - realize that you can be free! This is how you can overcome lust - don’t live with it! Jesus can set you free! #FindingFreedomFromLust

Don’t be a victim of the “baby elephant syndrome” - you are not a prisoner for life - being free is your inheritance - make a decision not to defile yourself! #FindingFreedomFromLust

The moment you make a decision, God empowers your decision! Choose life and blessing and God empowers your decision and your future #FindingFreedomFromLust

Don’t go where the snake hangs out - there are certain places, people, music, movies etc. - what might be okay for other people but it might be the those places where the snake hangs out #FindingFreedomFromLust David hanging out in the roof could be “justified”

Renew your mind with God’s Word - if you only hear one side of the argument, you will start believing only one side of the story, Romans 12:2 - be transformed by the renewing of your mind #FindFreedomFromLust

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak - pray that you will not fall into temptation - “lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil” - Wala tachlân l’nesjuna, ela patzân min bischa… #FindingFreedomFromLust

Pick your friends carefully - there are friends that stir up lust for certain things - 1 Timothy 2:14 Adam gave in to peer pressure - choose your friends wisely - you have good Christian friends that you need to stay away from #FindingFreedomFromLust - distance away a bit

Remain grateful - being thankful and having gratitude will make you grateful for what you have have - lust is for craving what you don’t have - Genesis 2:9 the garden had fruit that was good for food and pleasing to the eye (garden vs. fruit) #FindingFreedomFromLust

And my God shall supply ALL your need according to HIS riches in glory by Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:19 (NKJV)… #FindingFreedomFromLust

Oh yeah, get the book “The Chat”,if you’re a parent with a son from 7 to 11 years old, it’s authored by Ps. @JoelChelliah… see also and

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