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Feb 27, 2023, 11 tweets

We will continue to ask questions till the truth about Adani comes out. Those who work in Adani companies, I want to tell them that this company is taking away the country’s infrastructure.

- Shri. Rahul Gandhi


Remember, India fought against the East India Company in its fight for independence. That company too took away assets of India. History is being repeated now. This is against our country and the Congress will fight against it.

- Shri. Rahul Gandhi


The entire government tried to save Adani. They said anyone who attacks Adani is anti-national. The question is why BJP-RSS is trying to defend Adani

- Shri. Rahul Gandhi


When we asked in Parliament what is the prime minister’s relation with Adani, our entire speech was expunged. He (the PM) could have simply answered there is no relation. But they do have a relations. Adani and Modi are united

- Shri. Rahul Gandhi


Why there is no investigation on this? Why no JPC probe. LIC is losing its money (in the exposure to Adani group)

- Shri. Rahul Gandhi


Mahatma Gandhi talked about satyagrah… We (Congress) are satyagrahi and they are ‘sattagrahi’. They can do anything for power. They can collude with anyone and bow down before anyone for power. This is their truth...

- Shri. Rahul Gandhi

A minister said, China’s economy is bigger than India, so how do we fight against them? When the British ruled India, did we have a larger economy than the British? So, will you only fight those who are weaker? This is called cowardice.

- Shri. Rahul Gandhi

This is Savarkar’s ideology. What sort of nationalism is this? The weaker may die but they will stoop before anyone who is strong

- Shri. Rahul Gandhi


Tapasya must not stop. Our programme should continue. We should undertake difficult programmes. We must feel the pain.

- Shri. Rahul Gandhi

We will together join tapasya, we will give our blood for our struggle and India will join us. Kharge ji, you plan programmes. Your full team including me will run them

- Shri. Rahul Gandhi

This government snatched away the emotions of hoisting our flag from Kashmiris. We evoked the passion for the flag in young Kashmiris. They hoisted the flag spontaneously. They told me, you trusted us

- Shri. Rahul Gandhi

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