Rob Christiansen Profile picture
Husband, dad, Lego lover

Feb 27, 2023, 6 tweets

The billing log from @elementus_io, the blockchain firm hired by the @CelsiusUcc, raises more questions than answers. (Docket 2116)…

Here are just a few:

Total January spend for blockchain analysis: $278k

Talk about tunnel vision! #Cel81

Mentions of:

* CEL token: 17 times
* Mashinsky: 5 times
* NovaWulf: 3 times
* Any other potential bidders: 0 times
* FTX: 0 times
* Alameda: 0 times

Sample pages:

What are these about? @CelsiusUcc
"BTC Big Purchase to Cover Shorts Investigation”
"Call with M3 and White and Case about Company Buy Backs and Uniswap TXNs”

Who is “Kevin Chung”?

But my favorite of all is the real time transaction alert that Elementus now has running in Prod. Sure would love to see that list of addresses!

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